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Thread: Ma critbuff selfonly again!

  1. #41
    The olny reason why I Think" some people and The same with me guys, want it self only is because some weapons are lets say the certain class *cough solider* have a HUGE advantage with this buff.

    Me? If I used a hammer, 1hb or riders I dont think it would make a damn huge difference at all.

    That why only "SOLDIERS" Take my hp down so fast and in huge massive chunks.

    Its that gun, what ya call it, im no soldier but, I dont even get to switch weapons like you 8/

    Crit buffs to my char have made no noticable difference, maybe a slight bit with my hammer but hammers in pvp, naaah not bloody likely :]

    The only thing about pvp is, Everyone and I mean, well 90% Of people ask for hp buffs, Doc HP and / Essence.
    A run buff, and ofcourse A crit buff.

    If buff where SELF only then we would see which class truely owns the battlefield.
    And Im thinking enf/sols.

    But never will we see an unouside buffed scenario some people just dont think they are good enough by themselves.

    I myself cannot "FIT" anyone outside buff without sacraficing one of my own, I need rage, I need mongo, I need Essence, I could opt for not having focused anger, or a Shield or using a lower quality rage.


  2. #42
    The olny reason why I Think" some people and The same with me guys, want it self only is because some weapons are lets say the certain class *cough solider* have a HUGE advantage with this buff.
    I actually think we that use shotgun gain most from the crit buff, in PvM I usually hit for 82,82,82,3700,3700,82,82,82,82,3700.....

    so without a crit buff, my weapon would be totally pointless to use
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  3. #43
    The problem with crit buffs is that they don't seem to check against any of your defensive skills, it doesn't matter what level you are or how high your evades are etc. 24% chance to crit gives you just that.

    My suggestion, cut the crit percentage in half when you cause damage on players and make crit chance check against your evade skills in some way.

    Level diffrence would matter more in pvp, and this in return will make people level up, as leveling up is pretty much pointless...

  4. #44


    Yah, I noticed Crits go thru in PvP unchecked, and I'm wondering if that should be changed. I tried going FP MA today to use SG on myself. Stacked with my scope, I beat an Agent in FP MP with red con pets who was about 5 levels above me. My crits went thru unchecked and ripped him apart. This shocked us both needless to say, as I was using only a q114 Flechette Rifle and he was using a Premium Stigma!!

    So perhaps, the solution we're looking for is instead of nerfing the buff itself, we should allow for evading or reducing damage done by crits in PvP?

    Chauncy "RavenWulf" Rhees
    59 Agent of OT
    Board Member of Bateman & Fletcher LLC

  5. #45

    Thumbs down

    Originally posted by MiKEBoND
    Make MA crit buff only work with punching.

    Problem solved.
    Make all buffs self only, overequipping problem solved.
    That's too easy, really.

    The only solution I've heard that might work is the ranged and melee crit buff, but if you ask me, either you have a helping hand that enables you to crit, or you don't. It's that simple. And the "you have to be teamed to have the buffs" solution is the silliest thing I've ever heard. If that's what funcom wanted they would have made all buffs AE spam nanos, which isn't the case.

    If you find it unfair in pvp, get it yourself, no sweat really. And when they adjust the crit buffs to the right level maybe you'll look upon things differently then.

  6. #46
    the idea of buffs you can cat on other being team only. is just about the best solution i have seen for pvp in a very long time.
    and if your so dependent on ma crit buffs, well then you'll just have to wait till you can have one in your team, or get another weapon.

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