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Thread: Mission bug

  1. #1

    Mission bug

    I often log out inside mission, after completing it when its really late. Now suddenly when i log back in the next day I am outside, in yalmaha and cant fly and die to mobs, losing all the exp.

    When I log out inside a mission building, I expect to log back in inside it and not die outside.

    Fix it !
    RK1 Guild Apocalypse

    Dillon "Duradas" Belote, Fixer
    Kiyoko "Selarana" Vallone, Meta Physicist
    Donald "Jorman" Dublin, Bureaucrat
    Burl "Gnorrg" Marinos, Enforcer
    Florence "Florania" Aronstein, Doctor
    RK3, Arnold "Gideon" Reineman, Enforcer

  2. #2
    That isn't a bug.
    When you complete a mission both the key and "mission" vanish from your inventory.
    When you log back in you are no longer 'entitled' to be inside that mission location, it is the key that gives you access - something you no longer own.

    Yes it is annoying that sometimes you are in an un-flyable Yalmaha, however that is the only bug in your scenario.

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