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Thread: If player=titled + zone=75% then attackable by other side...

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Zeroshift
    Just make the whole damn world 25% and get it over with...
    after 20k turns green/grey to you the whole useful world is 0%-25% what's your point?

  2. #42
    Let's look at the for and against without getting into name calling.

    Who would the change help?

    People who want to feel immersed in the storyline by defending their home land (friendly 75%) against well known (titled) enemies. Sitting and watching the guards isn't very conducive to being part of the conflict.

    People who have titles, which are presently worth Jack. You can prove you deserve your title. In this thread people have mentioned being untitled and defeating titled opponents using skill not ganking. Who really deserves the title after this sort of confrontation? Sure you can earn a title by ganking if you like but go into the enemy's territory and be prepared to back it up.

    People who want to have a reputation as a fearsome PvP enemy would be helped. As it stands today, titles are just laughable.

    Who would this change hinder?

    People who have got a title without skill and want to gain some benefit from travelling in hostile territory. Killing clanners all day then wanting the freedom of Tir? Slaying omnis to get a title but afraid to lose it if you don't get the same welcome in Omni-1 ent as a corp employee?

    People who have got a title by mistake. This is the only real losing group. We all know how easy it is to lose a new title though.

    Any more additions to the winners/losers column here? I only see good points for the change.

  3. #43



    Any additions to who would benefit or lose out if this change happened?

    Everything seems to say 'good idea' as it stands right now.

  4. #44

  5. #45

    Exclamation Bump

    Awesome awesome idea Tetra.. Finally people will have to answer to thier titles, instead of continuing their ganking unchecked.. about 80% of titled people have got thier titles from grid camping, the other 19% from ganking groupers in 25% zone and the last 1% actually earned it from skill... Heh, this change to the world would make Title holders Awed and more respected and feared..


    Sorzella 122 Nano NT -
    -Omni-Scummette Pistol Slinger Extraordinare
    -Mother and Provider to her little family of Omni scum Alts
    -President of the Insomniacs Foundation

  6. #46


    Anyone find a downside to this idea?

  7. #47


    So if no one can think of any major downsides does this thread need moving to somewhere that FC may read it?

  8. #48


    Final bump to give those people who used to think this was a bad idea a chance to add to the 'losers list' if this change was implemented.

    Seems like everyone agrees that this change would add to the fun. Funcom!

  9. #49
    lol what a retard thread, and all I see are bumps by OneEyedJack. So, you think all titled players exploit? How so? Stop whining for christ sake. Just because titled players either grid-camp or KNOW how to tweak their characters based on the game-mechanics? Your pathetic. If you don't want PVP, stay the **** out of <25% zones or better yet, go play another damn game. Don't try to change the whole idea behind AO. PVP whiners make me sick!
    Rubi-Ka's FiRST Neophyte Enforcer - Holder of Spoon - Stirring the pot - Pumpkin' Pie anyone?
    >Wo "Caol" Ha - 187 ENF | >Thzunami - 97 MA | >Wo "Dioxy" Ha - 30 TRA | In memory of The Council

    Jayde's Item Database - All you'll ever need -

    "BACK AWAY" - Pogobear / Skymarshal

  10. #50
    "lol what a retard thread, and all I see are bumps by OneEyedJack. So, you think all titled players exploit? How so? Stop whining for christ sake. Just because titled players either grid-camp or KNOW how to tweak their characters based on the game-mechanics? Your pathetic. If you don't want PVP, stay the **** out of <25% zones or better yet, go play another damn game. Don't try to change the whole idea behind AO. PVP whiners make me sick!"

    If all you see are the bumps that explains why you missed the point, Rhayden.

    Exploiting is irrelevent to the idea proposed, as is grid camping or knowing how to tweak. "If you don't want to PvP stay out of <wherever>" equally has zero bearing on this. If it makes you feel better you could still trot out that line after a change like the one people discussed here.

    If you read the whole of the thread you'd see that opportunities for PvP would increase if this was implemented. You could PvP everywhere you can now, plus in a few extra cases besides. If that seems anti-PvP or a whine then I can only laugh at your thought processes.

    The bumps were to give extra time for people to contribute. The comments in the thread all support the idea, bar the one small point I tried to highlight above. If you can't think of anything to say either for or against the idea then you're just wasting everyone's time, including your own.

    Does anyone have any last pros/cons for the idea in this post?

    {fLamers please read what you're flaming before posting - and please learn the difference between "you're pathetic" and "your pathetic" or you may end up seeming pathetic yourself.}

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