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Thread: Bug List Report from Patch 13.8

  1. #1

    Post Bug List Report from Patch 13.8

    I will edit this message with updates each time i'll find new troubles...

    BUGS & TROUBLES SINCE PATCH 13.8 / 13.9:

    (Mobs Issues)
    - Mobs always execute InstaNuke & InstaDebuff at the same time they shoot us with their ranged/melee weapons
    - Trader Mobs level 120 can cast instanuke (DD of 1400 DAM) at the same time of Plunder Skill and Root ! (Broken Shore Mission ~QL120)
    - Mobs cast nuke without any graphic animation, so we only know they cast something when we're dead (i'm ironical)
    - Much more mobs fall in walls when dieing than before. They're impossible to loot.
    - Mobs die, but no XP is rewarded. No message at all. 5% of the kills in some missions.
    - No logical check in fight steps: mob die - mob still stand up - mob fight
    - Mobs die for no reason - XP is gain (cool) - plz dont fix that bug
    - Mobs break Calm Project in casting a nano on themself
    - I confirm some Traders have DD Nanos, not a health funnel (1400 DD of Energy Damage), maybe an hybrid profession NT/Trader

    (Display/Calculation Errors)
    - There is a lack of synchronism between the yellow XP Message gain from a mob and his real death (the mob continue to hit us after his death, i think this is because the information packets (of the victory) reach our client before the damage info packets.
    - All Biomech Armor Cloaks are not graphically cloaks anymore, just a second ugly body armor (instead of a nano robe design).
    - Yalmaha are sometimes marked as red and dont give any speed run bonus. Instead of this, they negate the run speed skill when put off.
    - Invisible Walls in Tir prevent us to jump over/fly over them. Flying or Jumping is now boring instead to be funny.
    - Some professions use fists instead of melee/ranged weapon (and do ridiculous damage, urgent need to fix it)
    - The ceiling in mission is virtually less high than before the patch, there is a graphic glitch when we jump. Why have you touch to this, it was perfect with the patch 13.7 !
    - There is a big problem with a switch of points in Map Navigation and Vehicule Air Skills. You put IP in V-Air, and after zoning, points were distributed in Map Nav ! GM cant do anything to reemburse !
    - Reclaim booth is bugged. Sometimes, items are impossible to transfer into the inventory.
    - Sometimes the displayed target is not really targeted, so when we want to heal or fight the target, no action is performed. Often with no feedback at all to explain the trouble.
    - Count of used NCUs is bugged. We need to zone to refresh the exact value of free NCUs !
    - Sometimes when we die, we respawn at the exit of the mission area, we have to go to the reclaim to pick up stuff (XP Lost)

    (Lag/Server Issues)
    - Broken Shore is more laggy than it never been before (zoning is very longer than before in all areas)
    - Broken Shore crash often (i didnt crash before patch 13.6)
    - After a crash, we have to tell an ARK to unstuck us because our character is (sometimes, scarcer) crashing just after the log in.
    - Bags take too much time to open. Very often, one click is not suffisant to open them.
    - After a server crash, all mobs are respawning. You're surrounded by them and killed when you log in. Please, in case of server crash, make us respawn outside the mission area !

    - When will we be able to break a useless root ? Rooted for 8 minutes with no mobs in the mission area is a little boring (Sarcasm).
    - Rage Line of Enforcer Nanos dont break root anymore. Is it intended ?
    - NT Nano Warp Time and Space: Rome dont work
    - Humidity Extractor last one hour, but give nanos only during 30 minutes. Is it intended ? I'm not sure, lol.
    - Project Calm is broken, mobs can break it on any nano casting.

    (Pet problems)
    - Pets dont respond to owner after several fights (no feedback in the chat box). This occurs in crowded spots or mission with more than 2 members in the team, and/or several pets

    - Biomech armors add FA/TR Bonus only on doctors
    - Items with no MA prerequisite cause your character to use fists in fight
    - Shops dont randomize the QL of some items anymore. Very annoying for the exact QL we look for.
    - The treasure randomizer seems to have an extraordinary interest in spawning Information Tools, Maps and other useless items... Grrr...


    - On the team list, bargraphs are always wrong (after to be apart), we constantly need to refresh (F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) them to read the real value.
    - Always the famous issue of people who are invisible because they didnt follow the team to enter a big room (No heal possible).
    - On the team list, nano bargraph is always wrong, even after a refresh. So we can see our sat teammates waiting for nano recharge although they have 100% on the screen.
    - Sometimes, when a MA use an ? nanos, his barlife cant reach 100% (red bargraph) on the doc team list. The doc continue to heal the MA without any reason, wasting his nanos.
    - Impossibility to rename organisations with colored text
    - Impossibility to change the color of the Nano Contextual Messages (same green than Guild Channel)
    - Always the problem of warping back when run toward water (Dont Run into the water !)
    - Always the problem of "You were attacked by -NONE-" when fleeing a fight (NPC able to nuke you through walls from 5 rooms away).
    - Overflow inventory dont work in many situations (Weapon dropped 'cause no ammo, Trade Declined), object lost !
    - If you miss the backpack from some pixels, you put your item on the ground, when you watch for it, it has disappeared, definatly, doh ! (it happens when the floor has a slight slope, or near the surgery clinic).
    - Use of the shop surgery clinic doesn't work twice without zoning (even after 10 minutes)
    - Sometimes, same faction NPC attack us (Team 100% of the same faction) without have been previously provocated (No Witness)
    - The exploit to control guard people against player of the same faction in town always work.
    - Some Reflect Bracers dont work, they didnt do it anyway.
    - My Agent enters the game in walk mode. Not my two other characters, why ? Maybe make an AutoRun option.
    - Sneak mode ('H' Key) sometimes block until we zone, in my case, i can use it once by area when this phenomena occurs (unkown cause).
    - When you reach a grid exit without having the CL prerequisite, you might be stucked in the pyramidal structure basement (GM needed)
    - During the resurrection shock period, sometimes, the first aid kit do 10% of his normal efficientness. A 100-115 HP heal kit do 10-12... strange a lot! Seems to have a malfunction between the Actual Skill Values (in Red) and the Prerequisite of the Kit.
    - Why the "ClientR.exe Process" always saturate the memory of our PC after having play a long time ? Dont you know how to wipe the memory regularly ?
    - Some Engineer's Pet Nanos dont have same Nano Skill requirements for the shell creation and to use the shell. Could you adjust this, some 3 points are ridiculous.
    - Reet Shape (On Others) debuff after zoning. Is it intended ?
    - Inventory always shuffle after exiting some shops (Dont have the exact location, not observe it myself).


    - Need to prevent the map reset after quiting a mission area (maybe create a local data file ?)
    - Need to have a shortcut for the slider (Aggro-Def), Stat View is too big
    - Need to have a shortcut to fast reload both weapons
    - When noone is selected, make the heal & nanos kits go on ourself (grrrr, so stupid to do nothing)
    - More small cheap backpacks without any bonus at all (Guild Banks are always a big mess of stuff!)
    - Make the pet log out with his owner. AO is unstable (yes it's worse than before), so, many relog and reboot are necessary. Build a Pet is not cheap, not easy, not fun at all when you have to relog in (or have been "Link Dead" reported).
    - A hotkey to paste the posxy coordinates into the chat line
    - Need to help NPCs in trouble with enemies
    - Need to change the faction on some Outposts after a long siege by the opposite faction (guards killed, a kind of capture the flag rule, ...).
    - When in the same team, TAB must target enemy mobs or players outside of the team, not teammates of the opposite faction (and their pets)
    - Need a new option (F10 - Visual) to opacify (or render black) the background of the chat box. Very very annoying with LLS or NVG, in white rooms and deserts.
    Last edited by Docgalaad; Mar 4th, 2002 at 13:47:44.

  2. #2
    For some characters, a Yalmaha will become 'red' (as if you were indoors) whenever you zone. I don't know when it started, it has been true for me since I got my Yalm around 13.4. After you zone, you are no longer in your Yalm and your Run Speed returns to normal. When you unequip the Yalm, the Run Speed bonus from the Yalm is subtracted even though it was not added before and your run speed goes negative. Reequipping brings the run speed back up to normal but does not give the Yalm bonus.

    This only happens in my Yalm, not in my cars. It slows me down and prevents quick getaways from missions in dangerous areas. FIX IT!


  3. #3

    * Updated *

    <NO TEXT>

  4. #4

    Post A Few THings i've noticed.

    1.) Mobs dont die when their bar is empty, but cant be targeted by nano or attack (most of the time they die from my damage sheild if this happens now)

    2.) Windows Key and Alt-tab need to be disabled, or fix the graphics errors that happen when droped to windows and game restarted. Ctrl - Alt - Del need to be kept active so we can End Task the game when it locks (i hate random program locks)

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