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Thread: Min dmg bug and HE bug

  1. #1

    Angry Min dmg bug and HE bug

    Did a 20% mission last night, fighting mostly grey mobs. Mostly using a fast dmg NF and as usual I do get 75% hits for min dmg, 20% hits inside 10-60% of dmg range and 5% does from 30% to 5% below min dmg. BELOW MIN DMG!!! I am very fed up with this crap.

    Our HE buff, it last for 1 hr but stop adding NP after 30 min

    Yes I am a NT, lvl108, and yes I am fed up with only being able to do missions in teams. I like teaming, np, but I would appriciate the possibilty of being able to survive 50% missions solo as well so I could play for tokens whenever my buddies is not online. As it is now, 20% missions are close calls and lasts for 2-3hrs, and most likely give no token because most mobs are grey. Mission blitzing with calm is no good token wize. Beside, calm is hellish since I am forced to autoattack and the delay client/server side so many times make me brake the calm and I end up reclaiming my stuff...
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  2. #2
    I posted on this HE bug also.

    It is a real pain in the butt - especially since the icon is up for 1hr . . . and you cant track when the effects are gonna run.

    I hate having to watch the damn thing over and over to see if its been 30 minutes.

    This seems easy to fix - just not sure why they havent.


  3. #3


    Ill tell you why it hasnt been fixed.... its a NT problem... >

    Ymend(soon canseling acount)

  4. #4

    min dmg, maybe not a bug

    First off, I agree damage below min. is a bug assuming the
    mob isn't protected by a damage reduction shield of some
    kind, eg the soldier (non-mirror) shield line for example.

    Since same-aligned mobs in high level missions tend to
    fling their buffs around to mobs in nearby rooms quite
    promiscuously, it is actually pretty common for me to
    run into mobs with all kinds of shields up. I really hate
    room mazes with a reasonable percentage of
    adventurers, because it means pretty much everyone in
    the level is going to have a damage shield. Anyhow, my
    point is that in many cases, this isn't a bug it's a feature.

    Secondly the HE thing is annoying too. Definitely a bug.
    These days, though, I don't even use it, because I have
    to recharge after every fight anyhow, and I don't have
    enough NCUs for the damn thing. If HE was fast enough
    to recharge me in a minute say, I'd use it, but it is useless
    IMO for solo missions, since I typically use 3 recharges for
    a random yellow mob anyway (assuming 2 calms). HE
    is a fine buff for other lower rate nano users like traders,
    mas, docs, mps, etc. but it is quite lame for NTs, as far as I
    can tell.

    -Strycker OT NT 104 RK-1

    PS: I'd recommend not using the fast DDs, btw, at
    least in pvm. I prefer the 3.x/3.x ones like burning
    quartet or impaling tracer at my level anyway. I use
    a recompiler to get something like 650 nano init.

    PPS: 20% mission? Gaah. I hope you're close to 1000
    tokens, otherwise it seems like a major waste of time..
    You say you are fed up not being able to solo, but I have
    to say I can solo 50% at level 104. Of course I need a lot
    of calms, but it's quite feasible, even though I still don't
    have a decent non-nuke weapon.

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