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Thread: Pick me. Pick me !!!

  1. #1

    Cool Pick me. Pick me !!!

    I'm an AC escapee who didn't initially think much of this game back in November last year. But what a change. The graphics performance is now awesome and I'm beginning to understand how everything fits together in the game.


    I'm lonely

    Well not really, but I would like to join a good Clan out there. I live in the UK so a UK or European based Clan (We're not all Europhobes here ) would be ideal.

    I'm on RK2 with 2 main characters at present. A level 38 Martial Artist, Wuzza and a level 10 Soldier, Wurzal.

    So are there any Clans out there looking for a loyal member who will be almost self sufficient?

  2. #2


    hi I am MacBean006, i am a 151 enf, and president of KBI. we have over 130 members and are looking for new good people. We have alot of ppl you could hunt with, and upper level ppl to help you obtain anything you need. If you have questions or would like to know more, feel free to msg me in game

  3. #3
    Check out Clan Vox Populi, a member of Project Revenant. They can be found at I don't think you will be dissapointed.
    Chang "Nortsrum" Brockmeyer,
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation] -- RK2

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