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Thread: Tader mobs are too deadly

  1. #1

    Tader mobs are too deadly

    Having to deal with traders in pvp is bad enough, having them just as effective at killing you in a mission is too much.

    First off we have their debuffs. They last WAY too long and if you use nanos for anything at all you are screwed not only in being unable to use your nanos, but having to wait for the debuff to wear off to use a Nano recharger. If your melee and you are using a slow weapon, when you have the two debuffs stacked you aren't gonna hit for squat. Even with fast weapons its a noticeable drop in damage. If you are say and adventurer or MA or doctor that needs healing to survive, much less a NT! then you are sore outta luck on killing one at all.

    HP drains, not so bad unless there is two of em!

    Roots, these put the icing on the cake when it comes to death. Gee, lets see, getting debuffed, nuked, and then rooted!? Dead me.

    Maybe i just need to stop soloing orange mobs
    Lonely Clan Fixer on RK1

    "Now I've told you this once before
    You can't control me
    If you try to take me down you're gonna break
    Now I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
    I'm picking you outa me
    you run away
    I stand alone "

  2. #2
    Heh not only orange can do you in, try a trader mob chaincasting on you and is 2-5levels below you. At level 58 myself the trader i speak off was about 55. This happened today btw not 3 patches ago.

    He was chaincasting and alternating between his 2 debuffs, his life-tapping spell and his root. Needless to say i did not stand a chance as i could not do didly squat dmg to him that he was not life-tapping right back out of me, only my bursts did any noticeable dmg, felt like i was bursting myself =(.

    Basicly he took me down to 2/3rd dmg, prevented me from casting any nano's, and was unable to run away since i was rooted... and did i mention he kept firing his shotgun while casting too ?

    These guys are as bad as chaincasting NT's with no animations.

  3. #3
    Agree, traders debuffs is way overpowered, should not effect nano skills at all, but at the same time, the buffs shouldnt effect the nano skills either.
    NT phone HOME!!

  4. #4
    whine whine whine

    Traders are based on debuffs/buffs. Remove that and you can just aswell remove the profession.

  5. #5

    Debuffs and Slows ARE WAY too LONG

    The problems I have with most mobs, including traders is that debuffs and the slows should not last as long as they do.
    Some slows last up to 10 min plus, debuffs too. Even after I have killed the mob I have to hung out, waiting for those to wear out. I believe that those debuffs and slows should not last longer then 2 min.

  6. #6
    I don't hear the mobs complaining that the buffs last too long

    Okay seriously though. Short buff/debuff durations was a major complaint of players when AO was in the design stages. Major complaint from almost anyone that played AC. The devs addressed it by giving us nice, long buffs/debuffs. Now people are complaining because the mobs use the same programs we have?

  7. #7
    If they lower trader debuff time/effect, they might as well lower the skill wrangler time/effect
    Cross into the blue.

  8. #8
    I have no trouble killing chain casting trader npc with my MA.
    I can heal up the dmg with a lower lvl heal vs a trader but I simply can't keep up vs the ones mentioned below.
    The real pain comes from chain nuking NT, crats and chain init debuffing + dot stacking doc npc.

    When they don't chain cast (it happens about in one mission out of 20), I recon traders are the most annoying (with docs too).

  9. #9


    About the debuffs: Why should the deprieve line of nanos stack? They lower the same skills, and makes my toon unusable for several minutes after the NPC is killed.

    Please note: I don't PvP, I couldn't care less about PvP, BUT if I have to spend 70% of my time in a solo mission waiting so some ganker of prof (insert prof) can gank some other ganker of prof (insert prof), then I suddenly start to feel a bit hmmm.. aggresive...

    Much the same goes for the DoT, when a two poison programs stack even if both do poison damage, why can't I stack my damage shields? Or why did they make them fixed damage, instead of basing them on the amount of damage that where in fact taken?

    Changing the last would perhaps fix another big problem in the game (fast/low damage weapons vs a damage shielded NPC). I think that the damage reflectors actually work that way now...

  10. #10


    And by the way, I don't have problems killing the NPC's that I'm supposed to kill (eg: PoD slider centered or to the left... Even if some see it as a god sent right to kill red MOBs... ). Its the totally useless waiting after a fight that makes no sense when it comes to gaming == fun...

  11. #11
    only thing that bothers me about the trader mobs is that they crit ALL the time! and i even have a massive 560 points in Duck exp.
    almost every hit is a crit or it seems like it

    I just know when i see Veteran Nanohoarder ill be running for my life
    Zerpentor lvl 213 Enforcer
    Lequack lvl 201 MP
    Ziele lvl 180 Soldier

  12. #12
    The trader is not necessarily critting all the time, but may just have some normal high damage shots. I have a 94 Trader and in a mission (read that as team mission since about the only over equiping I have is my shotgun) with 170 mobs, I can do 800+ damage as a normal shot (using a Vektor Dragon). Of course, the large amount of damage is caused by the deprive/debuff series of nanos that I can use to temporarily boost my attack skills. As you know, the higher your attack skill, the more damage you have a chance of doing (MA's are extremely intimate with this knowledge). Of course, most of you people can stop whinning about the large amount of damage becuase of the OE work that Funcom is doing.
    Oh, and about those Deprive/debuffs that Traders have, 3 minutes is not that long and I agree that getting hit with a root that lasts 10 minutes is a bit rediculous.
    If at first you dont' succeed, reload.

    If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, loot it.

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