I don't think the new over equipping rules will be that bad. In my opinion a 20% leeway is plenty.
Some Engineers are complaining that it's not fair to them because their pets will be disabled if their skills are below 20% of their pet's required skills. All they need to do is make sure they don't OE by more than 20%, it's faily basic math. lol. I'm level 165, I see bright green Engineers, around level 125, running around with blood red pets. A level 184 player is dark orange to me. Limiting the Engineers ability to create pets 80 levels above them doesn't seem too bad to me, lol.
I've heard some Soldiers complain that they won't be able to solo at all at lower to mid levels and that they will all be gimped without being able to equip QL 200 assault rifles at around level 120. Being a Fixer myself and having soloed a bit at those levels with a ql 180 Mausser, all I can say to that is quit complaining. A QL 150 Nova Flow beats a QL 200 mausser. If I was able to solo with a QL 180 Mausser a soldier should do fine without QL 200 assault rifles.
Buffing professions complaing that their buffs will be worthless are not thinking right. They will only be worthless if the buff is higher than the receiver's 20% OE limit, which will only affect lower level players. It should be like that, a level 50 player shouldn't receive the full benefits of a QL 150 buff.
Nt's are complaing because they can't OE at all, but even if FunCom allowed NT's to OE they would just complain about something else, lol. Besides why would they even want to OE a nano. If I had the choice between casting a QL 150 nano at reduced effectiveness and at FULL nano cost, or a QL 120 nano at 100% effectiveness and lower nano cost, I'd cast the lower nano, lol.
The one thing about the patch that I worry most about is the changes to conceal, being invisible to other players. If not implemented right this could be totally unfair. If the perception check isn't made automatically then anybody with base conceal could become invisible. In PvP, which i enjoy, this would allow any profession a surprise attack. Not sure how it will work, but I wanted to point this out to FunCom in the unlikely event that they over looked it, lol. Another thing, if we're not able to detect hidden players 40m away, then most ranged professions will get a surprise attack. It's not very difficult to get in movement predictors and low light scopes at higher levels to increase most weapons' range to 40m. It should require higher perception to do it, but it should be made possible.
One question, if a FunCom representative does read this, will HUD devices be affected by the OE rules? Would be nice to know so I have time to raise my EE and WS skills for my currently OE'ed scope, lol.