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Thread: Is the Syndicate cheating?

  1. #41


    The sad thing about these posts is that a few people that have some sort of problem with "The Syndicate" can post whatever accusations without any evidence and cast doubt on an entire guild.

    I am a member of the guild "The Syndicate" and have been proudly since day one. At no time have I ever heard of any of our members cheating or using exploits. That behavior is banned in our guild charter and I would not belong to a guild that knew of its members doing so. The people mentioned here and unfairly publicly accused are hard core AO players. They are on almost all the time, day and night, and work together in teams to gain the level they have.

    Our guild is dedicated to help each other improve, and to my knowledge it has always been by honest means. Never has the topic of exploits been mentioned in our guild channel while I have been log in, nor have I been offered privately a means of exploit. If you think you have a legitimate grievance, take it to Funcom; don't post wild and unfounded claims since only Funcom has access to real evidence.

    If by some chance I’m wrong about my guildmates, then I’ll be the first one out of the guild, but I believe that our guild is innocent. PvP is something that not everyone is good at and AO is more complex then most RPGs in regards to player alterations (implants / armor types / nano boosts / skills / ECT…).

    Maybe we are just that good?

  2. #42

    Question well well ...

    I don't know if the syndicate cheat or no but when i see achick goes from lvl 90 to lvl 153 in two weeks .........

    He must be the most hardcore gamer of the world even of the unniverse, maybe on his planet the day have 50 hours !!!

  3. #43
    50 - 57 in 5 days LOL!

    Im sorry we are talking HIGH LEVEL HERE! Okay?

    I can get to 50 in a day lol.Its just, POST 130 things SLOW down as XP does not get any better what so ever.

    Whats is the damned point in SOLO missions when its SLOWER?
    Logic flaw there.

    Why dont you TEAM - Do hard missions where the mobs give more xp and you kill them faster than your level missions alone.

    doing a ql 200 mission, or say a ql 212, XP was random, 30k > 60k and the odd 80k.

    Took me ages.

    I need 6.2million to level.
    If each mob took 30 seconds to kill and gave 40k XP EACH...
    4.8mill an hour?
    28.8mill for 6 hours.
    57.6mill for 12 hours.

    Not to mention getting missions, people dying, waiting to buff, walking around, finishing missions, lds, lag, etc etc etc.

    6.2mill to level.
    If I needed that every level well; 9 levels.

    9 level per 12 hours if total xp needed 6.2mill.

    About 18 levels for 24/7.

    126 levels a week.

    Nobody stays up that long, you have to take sleep into account, real life, work, school/college eating, sex, washing, emails, icq, irc, friends, ummm....etc etc.
    Ingame, talking, events, even if you just did missions getting the mission, moving around, IPS, not to mention needing better armor to buff into, and weapons during the levels, implants oh shall i go on?

    Lies, all ****ing lies work it out and ****ing realise its not possible!

    There! someone had to do it!

  4. #44


    First off Cloudeh = TROLL

    Secondly if it takes your group 30 seconds to kill anything accept maybe a enforcer vet from lvl 100 up you need another group. Been there done that.

    6 people that know what they are doing can cruise through the old BS missions fast. By old I mean a few patches back before they became small as all hell. Been there done that.

    Thirdly if you take missions in BS now you will have lots more down time from LD's then any other zone in this game. Go somewhere with less traffic, lag etc.... It's much much faster.

    Lastly at 167 I can still get 2 levels a day with a good group and about 10 hours to waste doing it. It all comes down to:

    1. Location of missions
    2. How well your team plays together (pickup groups tend to suck)
    3. All of you have the same goal

    I'm sorry that some of you haven't figured that out yet but you may want to consider that just cause you can't figure it out doesn't mean that others are cheating cause they have.

    As to all of you screaming exploiter and pointing fingers, I truly hope that someone does the same to all of you and force you to have to publicly defend yourselves like your making these guys do. You might finally learn that what your doing is wrong and your worse then any "Griefer" this game has produced thus far. Not to mention obviously jealous of what they have accomplished and proving it by continuing this joke of a thread.

    Have a nice day
    Future Sword Saint of Rubi-Ka
    Martial Artist

  5. #45
    Lastly at 167 I can still get 2 levels a day with a good group and about 10 hours to waste doing it. It all comes down to:
    I would like to see you do this, you need like 50 mill xp to get 2 lvls and there is no chance that you get avarage of 5mill/hour for 10 hours straight.

    You can get 5 mill for 1 hour but you will never get 50 mill in 10 hours.

    You can get 2 lvls in one day maybe but you would need like 15 hours atleast.
    Last edited by Azzazzimon; Mar 14th, 2002 at 06:37:28.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  6. #46
    Haha lol did you miss the part where I said that is IF YOU GOT 6.2 Mill every level!

    SURE! MAke it 20 seconds, even 10 you will see its bull****!
    In a Level 160 group I was the lowest, some people where a tiny bit higher, out of the whole thing I DOUBT it somehow!

    And so what If I am a troll, just becuase I proved a point and you cant get any decent explantion, you cant take it, so you act like a child and call people names.

    I am a troll, woo hooo!

    Now back on topic, YOU CAN, No matter how hard you try get that level in a week or two.


    Oh yes and Id like to say, just because your a higher level does not mean you are better than me.
    I have Tried MANY MANY Missions and they are all the same, bigger smallr, closer , further, laggier, less laggier.
    Pickups, kill person, see person .
    High teams, pre Small bs missions, people that are considered good.
    Some people here I have teamed with and what they have said is bull****, i was in the SAME team what do you think you get x2 more xp than me?

    I been there, tried that, it isnt possible, I have LOADS of time, I can play 12 hours a day If a wanted to, and I have tried but it isnt possible.

    If anyone wants to do some serious leveling tonight none stop im up for it!
    Lets see.
    Last edited by Cloudeh_; Mar 14th, 2002 at 12:15:22.

  7. #47
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    50 - 57 in 5 days LOL!

    Im sorry we are talking HIGH LEVEL HERE! Okay?
    Heh... I love it when I'm misunderstood. Makes me feel special.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  8. #48

    Not sure why your being anal over the hours envolved, the point was that it could be done 10 hours, 12 hours isn't so much the point. I can get 2 levels a day with a good group that does nothing but want to level. I would figure you of all people would know this since you and I both at different points were in what is now eternal fury and grouped with the same group of power levelers.


    Well I am higher level then you and per alot of the things you have said I must be an exploiter to cause I gained levels like these guys did. I just busted ass with the right groups of people.

    I am better then you but that has nothing to do with the game. It has to do with the fact that I don't come on the boards and call people liars and exploiters like you do. I said it before your a kid so I expect you to do stupid stuff. Everytime you do something like this people just think less of you. I actually feel sorry for you cause you don't seem to get it you just keep doing it, digging yourself further and further into a hole. When you grow up hopefully you will uderstand my points about accusing people the way you have with no proof. I'm pretty sure you don't have screenshots to prove they are liars.
    Future Sword Saint of Rubi-Ka
    Martial Artist

  9. #49

    call people liars and exploiters like you do

    Now how often and when last did I say SO AND SO is an exploiter?

    Liars? I just MATHMATICALLY PROVED It cant be done.

    Your better than me? So, you gloating, you think your somethin special?

    So are you telling me that in a team of 6 I do all the work, No, I wasnt the puller/tank I simple whacked things they attacked, I follow everyone else.

    I do not see how you can do things different, this game is simple.
    In short, 6 people high level, missions that are close, kill kill kill,get xp and level.
    Bam, over and over, dont tell me whats what I have been doing so for 132 levels now dont you think I have the jist of it?

    I call people exploiters when I want, your not stopping me, just I do not do it often.

    EVERY GOD DAMN POST YOU people do about you mention me whining aobut dying in pvp or exploiters.
    I dont care if I die, if i die thats is that end.
    If someone levels 156 levels in a wek you have to really sit down work it out.

    No it isnt possible.

    And people tell me I spend too much times on the forum, well I play all day then I go through every forum doing posts, then play.
    Or like now, I am at college and I CAN play ao on these computers so I post on the forums.
    I wish I could come into IRC but I cant.

    I dont really give a damn what you think, I KNOW I AM RIGHT, Other people tell me to carry on my posts ingame, many people do, many people agree with me _unlike_the_few_like_you, but all you have to say is cloud no your wrong becuase "enter explanation here" not cloud wah wah your this and that lol.

    I take part in events, I play alot of the time, people say Im a good guy ingame, just don't piss me off and you wont see my bad side.
    You grow up, you STOP being a bully, what have I said to you? ****wit.

  10. #50


    Much like a child you just exploded in a tantrum. Dam shame really. I have read your old posts in the PVP forum and yes you called people exploiters. You have also whined about PVP, read that to.

    Whether you do the math or not the point is that what the original poster did to this guild is wrong. Your in college read about Joe McArthy. Some people on these boards, which includes you, tend to jump and put on trial anyone that get's something they don't. This could include PVP titles or levels. Proof or no proof you guys put them on trial, say that cause you can't do it it's not possible and therefore a lie or some sort of exploit. That is commonly known as CHILDISH BEHAVIOR.

    Now you can be insulting to me all you want, it's not like you really matter in the slightest, in game or out, but you should at least take this one lesson with you. The more you post trashing people, whining like a school girl or jumping in on a witch hunt (like this post) the more people are gonna think your a moron. You loose peoples respect and are there for taken as a troll whether you have a valid point or not.

    I have seen people exploit first hand PVP/PVM, I didn't get pissed about it and post it here with the names of their guilds and ingame names. Care to guess why?

    1. It's none of my bussiness
    2. Who cares it's just a game
    3. Eventually people abuse a loophole till they get caught

    I can tell you this, I have legally (game wise) gotten exp like that in game so I know it's possible. I didn't keep it up to the degree these guys did but they were obviously more dedicated then I was to leveling fast. Real sorry you can't seem to. Oh well
    Future Sword Saint of Rubi-Ka
    Martial Artist

  11. #51
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    You grow up, you STOP being a bully, what have I said to you? ****wit.
    Now *that's* funny
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  12. #52
    Take a look at CLoudeh's signature. Hes a MESSED-UP enforcer.
    Dual Exec then Hammer and now alloy.
    Thats why he sucks so much. Perhaps he should shelve his enf till 14.2.

    Cloudeh you still leveling in BS ? Har har har
    Many 150+ fast levelers (at least a lot of clanners) have stayed away from BS.
    That place EXP/Time doesnt worth it.

  13. #53
    Theoretically there is no prob with say going 110-140 or more in a week,it only takes serious effort. With a good group you can easily make 2-5 lvls a day.

    Because some ppl are bad players & allways end up in sucky teams,no need to accuse the profs of cheating without any valid reason?

    When I was 140ish something I made 3 lvls in an evening,that is ca 30 someting mill xp, same group for a week, I would have gained say 21 lvls, so please call me a cheater without anything to support it..skilless,whining n00bs...

  14. #54
    No I level where most 150-160+ people do.

    Bigger missions, one place only, less laggy.

    Also, yes Im a messed up enf, So what? Nothing wrong with it, I can still kick a few lvl 160-170 people somehow.

    I killed alvl 160 agent twice, first time she said, oh i was FP trader she was then said i would have been owned if she was her true profession, nah :P

    Anyway yes I will be happy with the IP wipe.

    Cloudehs is my FIRST Ever char.

    Riders are hard to find and come by so I went ql 200 hammer, They now suck at higher levels, and we have no alternative, thnx fc ;/ so i went 1hb and im staying 1hb as it is really good.

    Someone has to do the testing heh, if you want to know which is better between 1he, 2hb, 1hb for solies, Im sure you already know.

    Shame tho, Ive wasted so much IPS and Yet i still can do good at pvp.

    Im really happy that ill beable to put my ips back into the skills I need, just watch out for me ok

    And since when did I suck so much?
    Hehe is it my fualt rage does not break roots?

    Is it my fault traders, agents, crats, fixers blah blah can root me and almost kill me cuz rage dont work? huh, no , FC problem not mine.

    Thats what makes us unique, the ability to legally break roots.
    Shame we cant now, thus why I hardly pvp.

    Sure, you can ask a few people, but was I the one running away from a 170 agent? no? I was the one chasing, and Im happy that I can make those "certain" people run for what they have said about me in the past.

    Just next time I see them rage wil be working and they cant run away
    Last edited by Cloudeh_; Mar 14th, 2002 at 18:00:10.

  15. #55
    And is it so hard to understand the crat/bow thing?

    I mean, grrr hello?.

    One crat alone and a team of any other class, bah, I dont trust anyone now most people I know have told me they have done some things once. treat exploits, imps you know, **** it.

  16. #56
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    And is it so hard to understand the crat/bow thing?

    I mean, grrr hello?.

    One crat alone and a team of any other class

    What does this post have in common with all your previous posts ?

  17. #57
    Personally, I don't care if people powerlevel, more power to them.

    And yes, it is possible to get 3 levels a day at levels 130-150 (I got two yesterday and didnt play the whole day even.) Most of us do not have the kind of time it takes to do this, but I guarantee that when I am on vacation (at home) I can level easily. My chair starts to get uncomfortable after a while, but it is possible.

  18. #58
    Here's a link to hackersquest about yesterday's patch and what it addressed.

  19. #59
    I have been a syndicate member since the first day the guild was created. Like the other members have posted before, we are a tight knit guild and know how to play. Our credo from day one was to support one another and to help build a skilled and knowledgable guild. However, most of all, we wanted people who were fun and friendly. Almost all of our members regularly team, not to mention many of our hard core members play AO a LOT. Many hours a day, everday. There may have been some problems along the way, but just like any group this slice is not indicative of the whole. Anyone who thinks 10+ levels in a few days at higher levels is exploiting, is either spending too much time on the forums or doesn't know how to play.... If you want to know more, feel free to message any of us in game.

  20. #60


    Gimme a break Cloudeh. I just sat here for 13 hours doing missions in PM. I could easily get 3 lvls a day right up through lvl 150. Haven't you ever seen the people that play everquest?? 16-20 hour days are a normal occurrance. I used to do that...i've toned it down now that I have other distractions in my life, but when someone wants to, they could EASILY EASILY get from 135 to 150 in a week. 15 lvls in one week is nothing.

    Believe it or not, hardcore gamers actually do play that much. If some people want to race for 200 they'll put in the 20 hour playing days when they know they don't have to work. I played for 13. I could have gotten to lvl 138 in 20 hours. That's 6 levels in 1 day. Say it slowed down for a level a day, but still playing the same 20 hours each day. That's 21 levels in 1 week.

    Even if I took a day or 2 off, or cut my playing time in half. only 10 hours a day, I'd still make 150 in a week.


    P.S. I had the same set of guys playing w/ me for those 13 hours. What now ?
    177 MA
    Member of the Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
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