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Thread: Org Commands

  1. #1

    Org Commands

    Hi there,

    I've been away for around 6 months, and was wondering if someone could point me towards a decent Clan Organisation Guide.

    What governing form should I go for, how does the guild bank work, what can the different ranks do etc...

    Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    try to type /help

    ingame, that will show the commands u need to use.

    The bank is broke, and not ingame.

    dont know any guides

  3. #3
    Um...the bank is NOT broken and IS in game..the commands for it are...

    /org bank - balance inquiry (all members except applicants)
    /org bank deposit <amount> - does what it says
    /org tax <amount> - set by org leader only, sets a fixed amount that is deducted once every 24 hours, roughly 1 hour after log-in.

    /org tax - shows all members the amount of the current tax
    /org bank withdraw <amount> - Guild leader only, takes out the creds

    Yes..the org tax could lead to dishonest guild leaders setting a tax when no one's on for some ungodly amount and running off with the booty, but I think indents like that will be minimal...
    Commander Barron
    Prime Director: Omni-1 Operations
    2nd in Command
    Division 9 [R.S.G.E]
    Click Here to Visit the ALL NEW Division 9 Website

  4. #4
    dont forget

    /org nerf <profession>
    /org exploit <number of credits>
    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  5. #5

    Org Bank

    Originally posted by Barron
    /org tax <amount> - set by org leader only, sets a fixed amount that is deducted once every 24 hours, roughly 1 hour after log-in.
    If it happens every 24 hrs, will it still take anything of those who don't log in? Or is it like a daily tax, so if you play everyday, your taxed everyday, if you play 2 days a week, your taxed 2 days a week...

    Also, I am assuming the tax is an actual amount rather than a percentage or something, and as you said /org tax lists all players and what tax they are do you set up different amounts of tax for different people. Obviously a new lvl 10 recruit shouldn't be paying what a veteran lvl 140 member should...

    Also, I need to set a organisation form before I can set ranks etc...can anyone give me a brief run down of strengths and weaknesses of the different types? (or provide a good link pls)

    Thanks for all the help

  6. #6
    No..that is a common assumption, but it is only taken out when you log doesnt accumulate during you're offline time (at least as far as we were able to notice).

    No..the amount is a fixed amount, not a percentage.

    The /org tax command tells all the members how much the tax is..not who is paying what..IE if you set /org tax 5000, if someone does an /org tax they'll see 5,000 credits as the amount of the tax.

    As far as organisation types, I have no clue really..heh..Im OT, so that doesnt factor in for us much...I dont think there is any real noticeable difference, other than differing rank structures/titles.
    Commander Barron
    Prime Director: Omni-1 Operations
    2nd in Command
    Division 9 [R.S.G.E]
    Click Here to Visit the ALL NEW Division 9 Website

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