Hey My names Sexxyone I want to start an all Bureucrat guild in omni one . I would our hq to be rome blue. Due to less lag and easy to reach area. I want it to be a faction .
Our name will be one of these
1) Veiled Alliance
2) Black Guard

Or if you can come up with another name it would be great I already have 5 prospective members and would like more .
I also have yet to create it I want to do it sunday at about 8pm eastern time.
Im not about power leveling I would like our guild to actually have an effect on the game itself .
I want our guild to be influential in Rubi ka.
I also want our guild to be built up on the fact we will act like crats . I have designated uniforms for when we arent on missions and will haelp us recognize each other and others to know who we are .
The uniform will be the Omni internop uniform with the black hood to even help us stand out more .
to show individuality you may even wear black kevlar outfit aslong as hood is worn.
Leaders will wear the black omni commander uniform when not on missions and the leader the red commanders uniform.
women may wear their thongs and men there trunks as as it looks like we mean business.
I want us to establish connections with influential clans and nuetrals to bring about our goals as a faction .
that goal is to establish improved communications between omni and the clans and the neutrals . why I belive that sometime in the future their will be a threat that unless united. None us will survive it. and rubi ka will no longer be ours. This war cant go on much longer and we must be ready for anything and we as crats will be able to handle it to unite us all.

I only ask that as a crat you help those who ask and offer to help!! (We will build influence and contacts this way)
Also team with each other to help us grow .
Offer your old items to members who need them.
Wear white clothing to promote peace when going to talk to clan or neutrals.
We are a family help
all crats who ask of it.
Keep our secrets to ourselves!!
( what we know is what we know)
that will be our motto!!
I will need help to make it so
If ne one with webuilding exp can help design a site it will help
I need experinced and inexperienced roleplayers for this guild to help make us The guild of rubi ka

reply here or send Sexxyone a tell on rubi ka 2

Also i want a cross dimensional guild on rubi ka 1 To help us expand our growth.

good bye!!

What we know ,is ,What we know