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Thread: It's universal, some people just like to complain

  1. #1

    It's universal, some people just like to complain

    Didn't quite know where to put this thread so decided to put it here. I've been AWOL from AO for the last couple of days as the Stormhammer server for Verant's Legends service of EQ went live on Monday night.

    For those of you who despair of all the negativity in these message boards, let me tell you something. There was just as much b!tching, whining, slandering and insulting going on in the chat server of EQ regarding Stormhammer as anything that you could read here.

    According to some people in chat the people at Verant were

    1) stupid
    2) crooks
    3) greedy
    4) incompetent
    5) <insert your own insult>

    Sound familiar? So take heart people of Rubi-Ka! There is just as much negativity going on in other MMORPGs even at the acknowledged most successful (at present) MMORPG of them all.
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  2. #2
    You realize that you are complaining about the fact that people are complaining?


  3. #3
    Originally posted by Scorus
    You realize that you are complaining about the fact that people are complaining?

    I was informing those people who may be discouraged by all the negativity on the boards that it is the same with every MMORPG so they shouldn't think that only AO gets this kind of treatment.

    Of course since YOU are one of those who contributes so much to the negativity, it is certainly not surprising that you would miss the point of my post.
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  4. #4
    I agree with Laeni in the fact that people like to complain, I think that scorus was just trying to point out the irony in this post.

    I have met tons of people who do nothing except complain, they are not that rare where I live. These people think that by complaining they will get attention, and if they are right they think they will be respected. These beliefs are mainly false, you will be ignored if you complain about far more things that really have problems, and people will not respect you even if you are correct about a problem which you spent months of others time on.
    There is also a third major reason for complaining, some people want to ruin every1 else’s fun. This third group is looked down upon by most of society because they delay progress and stick on one topic, stretching it until the tiny problem is eventually fixed so they can go to the next minor fault. If you are an executive of any large corporation you will commonly notice this third group, my dad owns an ISP which a group keeps petitioning because he refused to host their website. There is a very good reason that they should not have that website, it was in support of views which do not reflect kindly on a companies reputation.

    These people are best ignored unless you can carry a good conversation about your views over certain subjects (I have found this out through the “right, I expect to get flamed for this” forum, many interesting debates have taken place there). While there is no way to remove people who do not act in a constructive manner, you can simply remember that you are superior to them because you can get beyond points which may never be dropped.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Laeni
    Of course since YOU are one of those who contributes so much to the negativity, it is certainly not surprising that you would miss the point of my post.
    I would like to think that my complaints were not unjustified and that they have brought about some positive changes to the game. If you disagree, stuff it.


  6. #6


    Complaining is part of human nature, and for many it's also a way to get attention. Whining fits the bill as well.

    BUT - when used appropriately whining and complaining can get you anything your little heart desires. Especially if you're a girl.

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