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Thread: You have GOT to be kidding me...

  1. #41


    I have been assuming that they will nerf MA damage when they reduce monster AC/HP. It is still a chaotic road ahead for MAs. MA weapon damage is still far imbalanced compared to unarmed. They just boosted fist damage. They are changing the fist nano formula line to make your damage fire/energy/chemical. They are changing monster HP.

    Changing so many things in such a short time, will probably be very painful.

  2. #42
    True, but isn't surgery painful? Actually, that's a rhetorical question... having had... 5? operations now (minor, ingrown toenail, wisdom teeth, hernia, you know... hehe) I can say with a certainty that yes (well, at least the hernia one), it is extremely painful... but I'd probably be dead right now if not for that, so hey, there you have it.

    This is probably going to "hurt" all of us, but in the long run, it's going to be worth it.

  3. #43

    Re: Nerf Stick

    Originally posted by Saille

    Trader: Nerf hard.
    MP: Nerf.
    Doctor: Nerf.
    Engineer: Nerf a bit.
    Soldier: Nerf a bit.
    Agent: Fine.
    Enforcer: Fine.
    Bureaucrat: Fine.
    Martial Artist: Fine.
    NT: Fine.
    Adventurer: Ungimp a bit.
    Fixer: Ungimp.

    Probably forgot a profession. Must be fine, :-). I really doubt they will outright nerf the people that need it, but who knows? Oh, and who had the bright idea of capping PvP damage but not capping PvP healing? Hello? Can we say instant uberify the Doctor?

    Trader: More powerful then ever (Here comes the Nerf Bat)
    A trader can equip a weapon 2x his lvl and be as effective in battle keeping up deprives/ransacks. (For lower lvls might be harder with low nanoINT)
    MP: Won't do anything to them. They can self buff
    Doctor: Nerf - only if they are a combat doc.. They dont' have any buffs to raise their weapon skills during combat.
    Engineer:Depends if they rely on overequiping. Nerf hard to the 70-120 Range. Over 130 not affected.
    Soldier:Ok. Can self buff at higher lvls. Nerf of lower lvls.
    Agent: Fine mid-High lvls. Can self buff rifle/aimshot skill.
    Enforcer: Fine mid-High lvls. Can self buff 1hb/2hb skill.
    Bureaucrat: Fine : Same as before.
    Martial Artist: Fine. Can self buff (MA mastery/Dirty Fighter)
    NT: No change
    Adventurer:Gimped more than ever. Mobs exactly the same. Weapons/Armor just weaker. Can't self buff.
    Fixer:Gimped more than ever. Mobs exactly the same. Weapons/Armor just weaker. Can't Self Buff.

    IF FC lowers the HP and the AC of the mobs then this is a very nice patch. If FC leaves things the way they currently are then the lower lvl untwinkers are going to be the same. The ones who twinked will have it the way the rest of the untwinkers have had it. I am just curious as to how people think this is going to make people "ungimped".

    The classes that can self buff (agent=snipersbliss, Enf=Headcracker, trader=plunder/divest, MA=masteries/dirtyfighter/crit buff MP=teachings/mastery/infuse/gifts, Soldier=AS mastery/riot control/steamroller. {almost all high end buffs}) are going to be fine and can raise their attack ratings and skills within the 25% cutoff with relatively no problems. While the rest cannot raise their skills and are basically in the same boat as before. The only difference is now they have 0 chance to get a gun on by overequiping. Before the rich and connected could do it.

    All classes had the ability to OE armor to some degree. (INT/PSY armor hard if not impossible to OE though unless you are high end MP)
    Undercover Soccom Brother

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    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  4. #44

    Re: Nerf

    Originally posted by Saille
    I have been assuming that they will nerf MA damage when they reduce monster AC/HP. It is still a chaotic road ahead for MAs. MA weapon damage is still far imbalanced compared to unarmed. They just boosted fist damage. They are changing the fist nano formula line to make your damage fire/energy/chemical. They are changing monster HP.

    Changing so many things in such a short time, will probably be very painful.
    I may be blind but where does it say they are changing monster AC/HP?

    The article said they ALREADY lowered monster AC (13.6 patch)
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
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    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  5. #45

    Hp Change

    No, no. It says in Gaute's article that with the overequipping patch, they will modify the HP or "important" monsters. Whatever that may mean, :-).

    He also says, that they may alter the HP of other monsters, but that he is waiting to see the effect of the overequipping changes.

    I read that as, "Prepare to suffer! If you suffer sufficiently, we may lower monster HP so you suffer a little less."


  6. #46

    Re: Hp Change

    Originally posted by Saille
    No, no. It says in Gaute's article that with the overequipping patch, they will modify the HP or "important" monsters. Whatever that may mean, :-).

    He also says, that they may alter the HP of other monsters, but that he is waiting to see the effect of the overequipping changes.

    I read that as, "Prepare to suffer! If you suffer sufficiently, we may lower monster HP so you suffer a little less."

    It says that some mobs say lvl50 may have 20k hitpoints while others have ilke 80k hitpoints. They are going to lower only some of the monsters "thus average is somewhat reduced".

    He also states that "What I will not do is to reduce the normal monster hit-points at this time."
    Hopefully they do like they say they might. Lower the mobs later =)
    Its all good either way.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  7. #47
    For the record, fixers have an EXTREMELY hard time overequipping past the 20% (i.e. 125% of your skill) rule, since there's just about 0 buffs that buff SMG and burst.

    So no, we're not going to be "More gimped than ever".

    Also, Mobs right now, with their AC where it is, are more or less even in difficulty to someone of even level to them. I'm taking even missions and killing even yellow to 1 level orange mobs. It takes some thought and work, but it's not too hard.

    And I'm (obviously) a fixer. So let everyone get "gimped". That just means that they'll be on the same playing field as fixers and NT's, and that they'll actually have something to do from level 80+ instead of OE'ing a QL200 gun and whining about how boring the game is.

  8. #48

    Re: Nerf Stick

    Originally posted by Saille

    Trader: Nerf hard.
    MP: Nerf.
    Doctor: Nerf.
    Engineer: Nerf a bit.
    Soldier: Nerf a bit.
    Agent: Fine.
    Enforcer: Fine.
    Bureaucrat: Fine.
    Martial Artist: Fine.
    NT: Fine.
    Adventurer: Ungimp a bit.
    Fixer: Ungimp.

    Probably forgot a profession. Must be fine, :-). I really doubt they will outright nerf the people that need it, but who knows? Oh, and who had the bright idea of capping PvP damage but not capping PvP healing? Hello? Can we say instant uberify the Doctor?

    how about they nerf your ability to post on these boards. it would be for the greater good of the community
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  9. #49
    Originally posted by Nietya
    For the record, fixers have an EXTREMELY hard time overequipping past the 20% (i.e. 125% of your skill) rule, since there's just about 0 buffs that buff SMG and burst.

    So no, we're not going to be "More gimped than ever".

    Also, Mobs right now, with their AC where it is, are more or less even in difficulty to someone of even level to them. I'm taking even missions and killing even yellow to 1 level orange mobs. It takes some thought and work, but it's not too hard.

    And I'm (obviously) a fixer. So let everyone get "gimped". That just means that they'll be on the same playing field as fixers and NT's, and that they'll actually have something to do from level 80+ instead of OE'ing a QL200 gun and whining about how boring the game is.


    I am pro new OE rules because I think this is something to work on. Don't be fooled because you want an OE patch to any price.

  10. #50
    Originally posted by Nietya
    For the record, fixers have an EXTREMELY hard time overequipping past the 20% (i.e. 125% of your skill) rule, since there's just about 0 buffs that buff SMG and burst.

    So no, we're not going to be "More gimped than ever".

    Also, Mobs right now, with their AC where it is, are more or less even in difficulty to someone of even level to them. I'm taking even missions and killing even yellow to 1 level orange mobs. It takes some thought and work, but it's not too hard.

    And I'm (obviously) a fixer. So let everyone get "gimped". That just means that they'll be on the same playing field as fixers and NT's, and that they'll actually have something to do from level 80+ instead of OE'ing a QL200 gun and whining about how boring the game is.
    Unless you play a nanomage breed you can buff your Armor more than 20%(solitus. maxed str/stam... 2 cushions +16. +27 enf buff, +20 doc buff, +12 gen buff. OOPS out of 20% range.) You would need to be about lvl 25-35 to have enough ncu. And it isn't EXTREMELY hard to buff your SMG and burst more than 20%. Just because it is difficult for you doesn't mean it is difficult for everyone. If you are lvl 25, a 132 wrangle and a riot control would help you equip a very nice gun. Again affecting the low lvls and not affecting the higher lvls.

    This patch is going to change things for most of the LVL 20-30 range. This isn't goign to change anything for lvl120+. This is also going to greatly slow down the lvling for the lvls 50-120 range.

    Yes you are going to be more gimped than ever. Can't someone feel sympathy for a group of people and wish they had some changes coming their way? People like you would rather others be brought down to your lvl instead of getting a raise or a little "love" for their own profession.

    This is going to be a very benefical patch for everyone. People who think this is going to help the high lvl content are wrong. People who think this is going to somehow make their imbalanced characters more balanced are also incorrect (Fixers and adventurers){in pvp yes though} Until you guys get a SMG and/or Burst self buff you will not be on equal terms with the other classes. A agent can self buff himself using snipersbliss and get within 20% of a very overequiped gun. Fixers can't.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

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    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  11. #51
    I play crat, and played MP before. MP is boring, simple as that. They can self-OE, and that makes that class boring, when you can solo reds without breaking a sweat, or giving any thought they're probably 10+ levels than yourself. I didn't OE with any of the classes I played (I took a 140 pistol buff to raise my pistol skill 4 pts however ). All I can say is, I can't wait for 14.2, OE has gotten way out of hand when I see engineers that are VERY grey to me with blood red bots. At the least it will stop most players that can't self-OE..
    Last edited by KramerTheWeird; Mar 19th, 2002 at 01:40:27.
    Fatal Halcyon
    No guild, no longer playing until (if ever) things change for the good.

  12. #52
    Originally posted by Nietya
    My freshman year in college, I had the joyous opportunity to listen to my roommate and his girlfriend and their lustful pursuits.

    My roommate *was* my best friend. Now we don't talk.
    know what you mean, i have to put up with my noisy housemate and her noisy boyfriend, hearing a bloke cum, loudly, makes you want to rip out your ears.

    my room mate in first year was a dick, he left fairly quickly, obviously didnt like operation ivy at 4 in the morning while im playing games and the fact that i pinned him against a wall and threatened him probabally helped

    but yeah, these lamers suck, they dont know what its like to play a fixer and only be able to do 50% missions, the way the game should be played.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  13. #53
    Originally posted by Irritated

    People like you would rather others be brought down to your lvl instead of getting a raise or a little "love" for their own profession.

    actually, fixers have been trying to get some loving for erm... six months? but hey, check this out, its a history of fixer love:
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  14. #54

    Merkaba Stick

    Originally posted by Merkaba715

    how about they nerf your ability to post on these boards. it would be for the greater good of the community

  15. #55
    Originally posted by ReelBigFish

    actually, fixers have been trying to get some loving for erm... six months? but hey, check this out, its a history of fixer love:
    I'm all in favor of fixers getting some beneficial patches and would love to see some unique things besides the lame new shops implemented for Fixers. I still dont' see why some people would like to see others nerfed and go through the same punishment as they do?

    Fixers should be one of the most outspoken professions against nerfs, not the complete opposite. I guess i understand how you feel though.
    "Misery loves company"
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  16. #56
    not to get into a flame war. I will point out that while many see the non-capped healing as making my class uber, they are wrong.
    to be the "uber" pvp class i would have to be able to heal up-capped, hit for more that a spit wad of damage compared to a steiner or flash point, and be not be targetable by everything on the battle field. Assuming I had any desire to do this pvp thing.

    you should worry more about the classes that can heal and do better damage, and or ransack/deprive you.

    and oh vecktors do energy? hrm mild improvement, grin.

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