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Thread: 15.9.5 Patch - Veterans Program - Preview Updated

  1. #301
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrome
    Actually I couldn't care less about the veterans shop but I believe that's not the point.

    Can't you see why people get mad if new stuff is added to the game while they need to work around existing bugs since literally years? So please respect their frustration as well (while I agree that some posts are a bit harsh in how they put their views).
    That's a good point, but venting towards one group (i.e. new content designers) for another groups (i.e. bug fixers) task doesn't help solve bugs any quicker. What solves bugs quicker is extremely detailed reports that enable bug fixers to identify and fix bugs quickly and efficiently.

  2. #302
    The game changes. The loot gets better. The add-ins get better. But the whining never goes away.

    Every patch from past to future will be accompanied by discontent from someone about something. There will always be a profession or player angry because they didnt receive something they wanted even if it had nothing to do with the purpose of the patch content.

    I want to make it very clear that I LOVE MY LETTER "Q" SHIRT. I LOVE MY TOKENS AND YALMS FOR MY LOWBIES AND.......


    Thank you Funcom.
    Qwikz - HUGE Inc.

    "I should get one of those signs that says "One of these days I'm gonna get organezized".

  3. #303
    YEs, I am a former fr00b, no, I can't speak for the longtime vets, that being said, I will state my case simply. You have stuck with this game becuase you have had fun. Either that, or you hate it,a nd paly out of some weird self hatred. Now, after years of having fun, your aar screaming at the top of oyur lungs becauase the vet system, one that was on no box when you bought this, does not have IPR. First, having somtehing that modify's a fundamental stat like that would seem a bit hard to make to me, but I could be wrong, and I will acknowledge it if it were. Second, they NEVER mentioned taht as a possability. Third, I love the vet stuff, and I don't even have points yet. Fourth, it's called re-roll, I did it from a 171 char, maybe not quite a comparison, but that was a big step for me.Fifth, different content, different team, bug people are bug people, vet people are vet people, I can't see how they could divert between, but I could be wrong again. I'm not saying I am thebe all end all here, what I am saying is I see people throwing monkey poo at the new vet system becuase it's not what THEY wanted...and it's kind of irksome. Yes, there is no IPR in it, yes, you likely need it, but no need to mock the whole system becuase it doesn't have what, out of your own wants, you imagined it would. *Shrugs* there, vented, feel better, now I can read the flames in peace. I wuv you vets, and I hope you do get your ipr's, I do, just please, stop tearing at the new Vet system before some of us hit our 6 month point.
    I was born in Hope, raised in the wastes. I ranged Rubi-ka with my rifle, and Omni-Tec gave me the better offer. You want me clans? Come and get me.
    -Karenza, Mercenary, Soldier,Omni-
    -First Person on test with Security Clearance ID Card - Gamma Clearance
    for Formans-

  4. #304
    Simple answer to this whole issue that everyone shoudl realize, about bugs, IPR's, etc. There are multiple Dev's and each on or each group has a certain thing there focusing on. Things added most likely have no bearing on bug fixes, and incase you guys dont notice, every other patch or dowtime is usually a serversde, one geuss as to what those are

    Thanks FC for all the hard work,

  5. #305
    "The aim of the veterans program is to provide veteran players with some unique items reserved for those who have played Anarchy Online for some time."

    Most of the items could be bought by non veterans also it seemed.

    I have subscribed for 4 years and they let me buy a shovel! Why the hell do i want to run around with a shovel? Why not reward us with some cool
    "Omni armor" and an improved "support beam". That way i might start playing again.

    Funcom should take a look at World of Warcrafts "faction system", get high faction=get uber items.

  6. #306
    Quote Originally Posted by Garvor
    Funcom should take a look at World of Warcrafts "faction system", get high faction=get uber items.
    AO HAS faction system... (redeemed, unredeemed and so on)
    and you can get "uber" item that are faction locked..

    just too bad the uber items that require factions arent that uber...
    RETIRED:Cassondra "Hotsy" Magistrale, Proud General of OPEC
    And a gazillion other chars

    Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch
    Bureaucrats, Broken as intended
    Chilled:The crat community.. bitter but entirely supportive, kind of like coffee.
    P.S. i didn't proof read this, or check for spelling, I wouldn't want to Nerf my post by actually Fixing the problems.

    This post is fucntioning "As Intended" that means i don't have to fix any problems with it. (Snipped from pooncrat).

  7. #307
    You cant compare, since the only reason you want to get high faction in AO is to get better SK. And you dont have to work to get the amount of faction needed for most of the items.

    Do any items req 40k+ faction?

    The veteran system is still one of the worse ideas i have seen, as a 4 year veteran i feel insulted. Hurray, they give me a shovel so i can look silly. And my alt can buy tokens so he can catch up. Surprise! My alt got his 1k token board at level 105

    If they wanted to add some funny social armor they could have added pink chosen armor. My enforcer would look so cool then!

  8. #308
    Quote Originally Posted by Garvor
    You cant compare, since the only reason you want to get high faction in AO is to get better SK. And you dont have to work to get the amount of faction needed for most of the items.

    Do any items req 40k+ faction?
    I know there is impossible to compare the two direct.
    mostly because the "reward" sux so bad in AO
    Quote Originally Posted by Garvor
    The veteran system is still one of the worse ideas i have seen, as a 4 year veteran i feel insulted. Hurray, they give me a shovel so i can look silly. And my alt can buy tokens so he can catch up. Surprise! My alt got his 1k token board at level 105
    The Veteran IDEA is good, but, as always, badly implemented.
    the only "Nice" thing is the garden warp thingy..
    Quote Originally Posted by Garvor
    If they wanted to add some funny social armor they could have added pink chosen armor. My enforcer would look so cool then!

    Ohh.. PLEASE give me a chosen armour that DONT look like a bad joke please.. Because there is NO WAY i'm ever going to wear that fugly BurgerKing suit...
    RETIRED:Cassondra "Hotsy" Magistrale, Proud General of OPEC
    And a gazillion other chars

    Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch
    Bureaucrats, Broken as intended
    Chilled:The crat community.. bitter but entirely supportive, kind of like coffee.
    P.S. i didn't proof read this, or check for spelling, I wouldn't want to Nerf my post by actually Fixing the problems.

    This post is fucntioning "As Intended" that means i don't have to fix any problems with it. (Snipped from pooncrat).

  9. #309
    i like the vet program , i just got screwed by it calculations . Hopefully my letter to fc will help resolve the issue. If not then i dont know.

  10. #310
    I think I've found a bug in the system. My main account turned 3 years old last weekend, and I still don't see the 6 extra veteran points I should have.

  11. #311
    I forsee a sharp increase in the number of alts with yalms.

  12. #312
    Quote Originally Posted by Brutal Truuth
    i like the vet program , i just got screwed by it calculations . Hopefully my letter to fc will help resolve the issue. If not then i dont know.

    lol.. all i can do is laugh at that remark.

    Vet system is good, fix the bugs and dont change it!

  13. #313
    Its All About The Phats.
    I had a similar bug with my vet points.

    I clearly activated and have played non-stop, no cancellations, pauses, breaks or anything since 9th/01/02.

    On the 9th/07/05 i had been playing the game, paid up for and played, 3.5 years.

    I didnt get my extra 3.5year vet points till about the 18 or 19th of that same month, almost 2 weeks late.

    Dont know why - i have em now so dont much care.

    HOWEVER - this IS blatently wrong. Considering the launcher has the equivilant of "Bugger off and find out for yourselves by looking here - their aint nothing wrong with the vet system, go read up and LEARN!!", seems like they dont know or dont care about it

    Still like i say - if you aint got your vet points when u think you should - give it 2 weeks.

    Cant help but think, "another item added to the VERY LONG 'broken as intended' list".
    Acetsuntura (220]/21/70) - Adventurer

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