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Thread: Area "Y"

  1. #21
    I went exploring last night and found the mini-Galway city again. If you go out the East gate of Rome and follow the road, you'll come to a mini-outpost/reststop with a Bronto Burger stand across the way. It's there that the road forks. Take the right hand fork and follow it for a mile - keeping an eye on the right. Before the road leads into a canyon, there's a hilltop to the right with fence around it. That's the mini-Galway city model.

    Maximilian, I totally agree about Avalon. But there's also some nice sight-seeing close to the city that's safe enough for low level players to explore.

    Did you take damage when struck by lightning? I think we should take damage: add some tension when out in a storm (IMHO).

  2. #22

    Thumbs up cool

    i was not able to be online last night, but i definitely appreciate the directions. guild duties permitting, i will attempt to find mini-galway tonight. thanks.
    "Woke up this mornin' got yourself a gun."

    Sgt. Jeffery "Rhinocerous" Markarian
    Chief, R&D Internal Security
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  3. #23


    Originally posted by Hinkle

    I think we should take damage: add some tension when out in a storm (IMHO).
    I totally agree - realism is your friend!

    I briefly explored the waterfall area in lush hills at the mid point between Lush Resort and the Outpost. It's on the main road out of Lush resort, go out the main gate and follow the road to the left ( I think the sign points to Clon****) the woods along the way aren't too dangerous (used to run them at lvl 35ish without much trouble) there's a medium sized waterfall by the side of the road... I climbed around a little and it looks like there may be some interesting stuff back there... I will look at length tonight after work. (Damned work, always getting in the way of my Anarchy Online...)
    Lvl 70 NT

    Information Retrieval
    "We know what you're doing"

  4. #24

    Thumbs up found it!

    it was pretty cool. however, i did not see any plaque with an artist's name near the entrance. there was nothing of the sort there, just some rocks. anyway, will try to see the pool in 4ho and the waterfalls next. let's post more cool things here! my favorite thing so far was coming upon 2 brontos eating from a tree in Omni Forest. It was a Jurassic Park moment! they looked like they were actually eating from this tree, it was cool.
    "Woke up this mornin' got yourself a gun."

    Sgt. Jeffery "Rhinocerous" Markarian
    Chief, R&D Internal Security
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  5. #25
    Not to take away this thread subject, but I wanna mention the music in the game too.

    I think its absolutely brilliant, and sometimes I stop just to listen to it. One of the best parts is running through Omni Entertainment area, and you have the majestic techno orchestra, and the big booming drum. Then u run into a new area, and some excellent dub trance kicks in! I think that is soo cool!

    Also in lush fields, u have the nylon string guitar echoing away and then you approach the mutant domain area near the river edge (near the southern OP). Now the music that plays near the water reminds me so much of 'Titanic' soundtrack (best film ever!).

    The excellent recorder and deep techno bass makes me wanna cry :')

    I love the blues style music in the Backyards too.

    The only thing that spoils the music is when you get the Big BIG music after a stupid weak Hammer Broodling wants to eat your hair.

  6. #26


    Theres nothing like camping the nice pool at 4holes
    Just wait till some unsuspecting omni goes there to take a swim then all of the sudden a demon appears *growl* *slash* /me Grins

  7. #27

    Cool hmm...

    when my guild patrols 4ho we never see any clanners causing trouble at the pool. sure we occasionally see the terrorist scum, but they die so quickly that they have no time to hurt innocent swimmers. either that or they're all busy blowing themselves up in shopping malls. have a nice day. Omni-Tek is your friend.
    "Woke up this mornin' got yourself a gun."

    Sgt. Jeffery "Rhinocerous" Markarian
    Chief, R&D Internal Security
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  8. #28
    I love this thread!

    Ive posted a couple of others to do with exploring and adventuring like this that had a bit of backing. And as someone already said its good to find other people that are die-hard explorers instead of only interested in gaining levels in the same old boring spot.

    I took myself on a massive trek a couple of days back.. I made it my goal to get from Athen to Belial Forest and hopefully find some Medusas.

    Took me over an hour to get there (Was in Reet form cos im Yalmless) and after dodging loadsa wierd and nasty stuff i finally lost concentration for a moment in "The Omega Swamp" and got jumped on by two Massacre Pythons ... So i didnt get to find the Medusas

    But! ... Along the way i had a wander throught the Enigma Forest in Artery Valley. Beautiful place! The Enigma trees lined up perfectly as far as the eye can see. I'd love some back info on this forest... Why its there? Who planted all the trees? etc (I also wanna know why the Enigma Sprouts make noises like Sheep/Goats )

    Also just South of the Enigma Forest i found a clearing patrolled by Gargantulas ... But in the centre was the biggest Crystal i have ever seen. Its mounted on what looks like claws or jaws of some ancient thingy. But its absolutely huge!

    It was the furthest ive got into the wilderness as my other treks have always been cut short by my over-interest in what a Forest Eremite or Nokken looks like up close or some other scary thing i wanted a good look at a few seconds before it slaughtered me

    So basically anybody even remotely interested in exploring and adventuring should head out to Artery Valley and beyond for some really amazing stuff! If ya havent got a Yalm its very risky tho and needs 100% concentration otherwise ya get eaten

    (Cant wait to get a Yalm )
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  9. #29


    I wish that FC would put more fiction out about the planet's history, etc. like Sambika said. For instance...all those crashed ships...who were they, what happened, etc. The world is so beautiful and detailed, but we can learn nothing about the "story" of the planet except Omni vs Clan. A detailed history is what makes a RPG come alive and players feel like they are part of a breathing world. If the fiction is there, I can't find any except just the bare outline...there used to be a part of the official website that had the world map and you could click on cities, etc. to learn about them. Well, that's gone. MORE FICTION FC!!!! You've made a great world (the most convincing world I have ever seen in a MMORPG) so let us hear about it!
    "Woke up this mornin' got yourself a gun."

    Sgt. Jeffery "Rhinocerous" Markarian
    Chief, R&D Internal Security
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  10. #30

    Talking Exploring with out a Yalm...

    Yeah - I've driven through Central Artery Valley - but not too far. I always get chomped.

    Hinkle and I went wandering around last night - went to Mort... kinda creepy, but interesting... We found some cool (ore?) processing machine that was churning out smoke. It looked kinda Dune-esque - I was waiting to get jumped by Fremen.

    Managed to stay away from the Cyborg OP... I went there once - got about 500 yards away and took a 2000 point hit from a Cyborg Patroller... we went up the Crater north of the Cyborg camp... it's filled with giant spiders and Mamba snakes... but there seems to be something down there - static dungeon maybe?

    Also went to the Rhinoman Camp in the Newland desert... very tribal - huts lined with skulls (not human) on sticks. We went during a dust storm... which made it extra creepy and atmospheric.

    After Hinkle left, I walked to Stret East Bank and followed a dirt path that turned into a road that eventually went to a lake that had a small island with an outpost (omni) the main part of the OP was underground and had a set of cells that you could enter... (another static dungeon?)
    Lvl 70 NT

    Information Retrieval
    "We know what you're doing"

  11. #31
    Originally posted by Engineress
    Not to take away this thread subject, but I wanna mention the music in the game too.

    Yup - the music is rich and brooding...

    Love the funky jazzy stuff in the living quarters...

    And yes, the dramatic, battle music is effective...

    I know people that turn it off by default, I think they're missing out.
    Lvl 70 NT

    Information Retrieval
    "We know what you're doing"

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