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Thread: Team Missions...good or bad?

  1. #21

    Talking a couple things.........

    1st: Malignant, i bet just about every fixer in the game hates you now.

    2nd: (and more seriously) Me rike team mission. Only did 1 last night, but it rocked. Good xp, something a little different. I enjoyed the agro. And the boss whooped my but and cost me 1mil xp, but i came back and got it back from him. (well, some of it. hehe)

    all in all, something different and fun, but will probably get old just like normal missions.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  2. #22
    I'd like to know... how do the boss fights compare to an EQ raid? (I've never been on an EQ raid, so I really don't know)

  3. #23
    Here is what I hear:

    Whine: Individual missions suck. Too easy and not enough loot. FC sux.

    Yay ! Team Missions !

    Ok we have a mixed bag of strangers with no team skills plus we have never done a real team mission before so lets get a mission 20 levels greater than the highest member.

    #*@! <spank> <spank> <pow> <crunch> <smack> !

    Whine: Team missions suck. FC sux.

  4. #24

  5. #25
    Having run 2 team missions now here are my observations...

    They are a lot of fun, can be beat, and will improve.

    1. You need a full team. I mean a FULL team, 5 or 6 people.

    2. You need to work as a team.

    3. There is a real problem with aggroing of Doctors. I was with Saltros in the team mission he discussed above and he is right. The Doc was getting creamed. Nothing would pull mob's off, and I mean nothing. Is this intended?

    4. The aggro range is huge. Most MOBs can be aggroed by standind close to the door to the next room.

    5. Agents have no role in team missions. With the aggro range so big, pulling with AS is impossible, and will almost certainly bring multiple MOB's. Sneaking is acting strange as well. I was constantly being taken out of sneak in one mission by the group's CHARMED PET. Add to this that not many groups of 6 are gonna wait around while you buff into a FP and even if you do, you really don't want to go to a FP that is already present. So if you have a tank, a crit buffer(MA) a healer(we can't do this anyway),and crowd control(we suck at it) then the agent is, as usual, just taking up valuable space. As much as I enjoyed team missions, I just can't bring myself, as a agent, to ask to join any teams because right now we are just a liability and am very grateful to the two teams that let me join in. Thanks to Saltros, Abnerdoon, "the other MA"(sorry guy ), Bloodlilly, Baltros, Fatalhalycon and Kwerk for letting me "tag along"......

    I was just wondering.....Is there a plan to give agents ANY ROLE AT ALL in this world?!?

  6. #26
    6. Pick-up groups for mission don't know how to play in group and will drain all the aggro you can imagine in ways that are totally unbelievable.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  7. #27
    did my second team mission last night. I was the highest lvl in the team (lvl 10) so I got the mission and set it to 50%.

    The lower leverls were pretty easy for me (I could have solo'd the lower levels easily). The boss was more of a challenge. We went in with 5 people in our team and the boss killed two fo us. Those two left the group (mad they died I guess I hate weniers). So with only three people in our team (and many med kits later) we managed to take down the boss. The loot was great! 5 or six pieces of good QL armor (good QL for a lvl 10 ) and a weapon or two.

    One buggy thing I noticed:
    There seems to be a problem with pets changing the fighting status of some team members. Example: We all zone in to the boss room to kick some booty. I zone out cuz I'm down to 1/4 hit points. Sit, heal twice. In comes the crat and her pet bot...Now I can't heal cuz I'm in a fight. It only happened when the crat pet was in the same mission level and the bug seemed to affect either me or the crat. Once the pet left the level everybody was fine.
    I like pie.

  8. #28


    I am enjoying the team missions overall, for the most part I think "Funcom got this one right". The only "problem" outside some understandable annoyances [like all needing to be in the same playfield when getting a mission] is the final boss room.

    Last night with a team of 5, my guildmates tore through a QL104 mission with little hassle. Lots of mobs and adds kept us on our toes, had to keep alert and focused but that is the point. But we got slaughtered in seconds in the boss room. There were only 2 mobs, the mission mark ["look at"] and the boss. Well the mark was one of those #@$#@! uber "face-hugger" type spiders you see in artery valley region. While most mobs were yellow-orange to us in the main part of the mission, these 2 were dark reds. The boss hit me for 300-600 per hit every hit, we killed the spider but basically the boss killed all but 1 team mate who had a strong bot that held aggro and saved him. I'd guestimate the boss and spider were level 130ish+, what were they doing in a level 104 mission!!? We expected the boss to have alot of hitpoints and be tougher to kill, did not expect the boss to be a able to level a team of level 85-100 in seconds almost single handed.

    I think the "boss room" is a good idea, I just think "the boss" itself is a little too over the top.


  9. #29

    Question i did some team missions

    the problems:

    - you need a complete, diverse team. healer, crowd control, tanker.

    - aggro is broken, funcom acknowledged this - thus you will also need a puller.

    - you will need people who can listen to each other and work together.

    all this is accomplishable and very fun BUT

    the boss mob room is insane.

    the problem is that you can pick a team mission you can solve with mobs you waltz over on your way to the boss and loot no one wants ...

    or you can pick a mission where the combat up to the boss is ok xp / challenge wise but get utterly raped once going into the boss room.


    my opinion:

    bad that now the second night after the introduction people are doing solo missions all the time again - this tells us team missions are balanced wrong.

    a challenge is ok, needing a group is ok but deciding between yawn and instadeath is not.

    a side note which totally cracked me up:

    you know now messages are in the game about failed sneaks yes?

    ok, i was typing to the team when i hit "h" default sneak because of lag. ok i am a bureacrat, i have never raised concealment and the mission was ql 125ish (i am 83). so far so good. all that i can understand but now get ready for the punch line:
    i got the message that mobs spotted me from ROOMS away!
    that is right mobs that did NOT aggro me (and we know what that means nowadays - they are half a map away) detected me.

    i laughed so hard at this you wont believe.

  10. #30
    Originally posted by BGumble
    The biggest problem with team missions is that since the missions are a little harder and deaths are more likely due to the mad adds you need to reduce the difficulty. Hmm, everyone doing single player missions in teams is getting high level rewards either through reward or through loot. Will people actually want to do lower XP lower loot missions?
    boss loot is 20 qls above mission ql.. in my limited experience.. so that evens it up quite a bit.. and 1 low level RARE gimmick (nullity mk1? grid armor mk2?) which supposedly you ahve a chance of looting from boos is worth a lot more than the "better" loot you might get from a higher level mission.
    Etchu solitus omni MP 103 on rubika1.. just left departmentX for First Order..
    Feydrutha nanomage omni NT 25 on rubika1 retired atm
    Rodja atrox omni soldier 20 n00b!

  11. #31


    Boy I would hate to see some of you people that are whining about how hard these team missions are, playing EQ where you need some real strategy to make it through a dungeon.
    I personally thought they were a piece of cake, the only part that was even the slightest bit difficult was the boss room, and once you've done one, you know how to handle it since they are all exactly the same. By the way, I've done numerous team missions with just TWO people, yes I said TWO.

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