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Thread: Names

  1. #1


    Geez, all the names are taken on both dimensions... I wish FC would allow one space or a hyphon...

    I think names with numbers are stupid and refuse to use them (like Bob123). I also think that fantasy names are out of place in a "cyberpunk" setting...

    Please, FC... Let us use one space or hyphon.

  2. #2
    *All* the names? Are you sure? And what do you mean by all the names anyway. I have been able to find good names that were free just recently, only thing you need is some imagination, time and patience.

  3. #3
    yea my name is awsome, and I'm a relativly new character Solyhhit...I get alot of comments about it Lots like "uhhh don't u mean holy****"?? And some like "HAHAHA NICE NAME"
    Supersoly lvl 220 Atrox Enforcer
    Fearthis lvl 200 Opi MA
    Tehsoly lvl 60 Atrox Enforcer

    and a lvl 160+ sold...


  4. #4
    You think that is a good name?

    I think that proves my point very well.

    And no, not ALL the names have been taken... But it's hard to come up with a good one... I've tried some very obscure ones and even they were taken...

    My point is that I think allowing a space or a hyphon would allow for more names... Better names. Better than SolyHhit. Much better...

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Saint Sinner
    And no, not ALL the names have been taken... But it's hard to come up with a good one... I've tried some very obscure ones and even they were taken...

    My point is that I think allowing a space or a hyphon would allow for more names... Better names. Better than SolyHhit. Much better...
    Nah, space or hyphon would just allow people to reuse already existing names the way person who the name belongs to originally wanted it to be.

    I mean really... there is plenty of original names out there you just have not thought about - I so want to post the names I have got recently to give a good example but I prefer it so that I have one or two characters I can play when I need some peace.

  6. #6
    >>My point is that I think allowing a space or a hyphon would allow for more names... Better names. Better than SolyHhit. Much better...

    um... no... it would cause *fewer* names. And less original names. And more confusion.

    Then I'd have to figure out, when I meet "SolyHhit" in town, was it him that I talked to and had a great time with, or "Soly Hhit" or "SolyH hit" or "Soly-Hhit" or "SolyH-hit" or... etc...

    it would make people Less creative, not more...

    If you think you have a cool and original name, but somebody has already taken it... it just wasn't as original as you thought it was, that's all .

    Allowing you do have the same name with "_" at the end - well, that would be unfair to the original person.

    I'm sure SolyHhit would feel unkindly toward SolyHhit_
    and for a good reason

    My favourite nickname was taken too
    My gripe isn't that I can't stick a _ at the end of it - but rather that the guy has been lvl 1 for last 3 months and obviously isn't ever coming back to delete the character... so it goes to waste :-/

  7. #7
    oh, and...

    >>I think names with numbers are stupid

    I couldn't agree with you more!

  8. #8
    Want names?

    ] offers some random name generators.

    Over half my toons have names generated from one of those nifty programs.

    edit: fixed a typo in my link. It should work now.
    Last edited by Nerd; Apr 21st, 2002 at 10:25:40.
    90-ish enf --- soon by the 100-milestone. Soo slooooow development
    30-ish MP --- likes nanoprogramming
    40-ish trader --- not as overequipped as he should have been
    30-ish MA --- was suposed to be critbuff-dispencer
    10-ish DOC --- eat nanokits like candy, and attracts mobs like bees to honey
    10-ish NT --- I would give ANYTHING to get NT's extractor-line on my ENF.
    10-ish MP --- reroll of the above one. Found out that the first one was funnier to play
    10-ish ENF --- intended to try duelwield, but the first lvls until i get my first mongo is kinda boring

    I have created monsters. - Gummizluv
    Yes Gummi, but unfortunately only one monster (nerd) - Intra

    When a pump action shotgun fires more rounds per minute than a sub-machine gun, you've just entered Anarchy Online... - ReelBigFish

    hope this helps. I confuse myself somtimes - Irritated

    Enforcer is gimp, be a soldier... - Seb

  9. #9
    All my toons are generated from a nonsense syllable (dub) and a word related to their profession. Thus my MP is Transadub (Transcendent) and my trader is Trafadub (Traffic.) Try it, none of my names are ever taken. Sure, the names are nonsense, but most all of them are

  10. #10
    I doubt all names are taken. Try this if you insist.

  11. #11
    I don't use name generators for futuristic genre games... Futuristic settings (set in the same "reality" as our Earth) require, IMO, real-ish names.

    Seeing people in Rubi-Ka named Raistlin or Gandalf just makes me roll my eyes...

  12. #12

    If it's that important to you.

    Why the hell didn't you start playing this game when it launched.

    I AM Kantarell I AM Mbutu
    Techno-Wizard is the most fun to play!

  13. #13

    I did play the game when it was launched... It wasn't a pretty sight. AOs early days were terrible... Back then the game wasn't even playable.

    But seeing how great the game finally turned out, it makes me kind of wish I had stuck through all the awfulness of AO in the early release days...

    But I am only human and can stave off frustration from a computer game so long before I grab my Katana off the wall and hack my computer to pieces... And I have a really expensive computer... So you see my dilemma.

  14. #14


    Callsigns should not have Space's nor Hyphons.

    "Alpha, do you read me? Alpha? Mayday! This is "l33t ha><0r K33luhrs the great mock mash_45_ #" please respond."

    "This is Alpha. I refuse to talk to you, cuz i cant pronounce your Name"...

    and no, Akjdfsdgkas is neither Original, nor a real name.

    If I cant type your name, I am not likely to talk to you. Easy as that.
    Zack "Raik" Brumble - "Boom Hippie Bye Bye, the Raik is back!"

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