Some rapid hints before leaving RK skies, based on my experience in PvP in various MMORPG and AO ....

Bureaucrats : They can Charm and Fear players (raise your Psy babe), their Calms interrupt nano casting, their Stuns are usable.

NTs : Same as Crats for Calms and Stuns. Their nukes can crit and have a chance to stun when critting.

Enforcers, Soldiers, Traders, Doctors, MPs, MA : all pretty ok even if Traders shouldn't have any form of Calming. Oh well, I've bever been for nerfs.

Engies : Make their pets charm / stun / fear -proof and let them break roots / calms somehow (some kind of purging nanos).

Adventurers : Well someday their morphs will have a meaning. Maybe that's the key to start dealing damage...

Fixers : Enhance their evades so much that with their run buffs they cannot be touched in PvP. They won't care that much anymore of not being able to actually kill someone. That will make great scout / puller for PvP.