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Thread: Guilds: The good, the bad, the ugly?

  1. #1

    Question Guilds: The good, the bad, the ugly?

    I'm a level 69 Omni doc and I was looking to join a guild.

    Howerver, I'd like to join up with people who are not total wastes of skin, if you know what I mean.

    Anyone had good/bad/weird experiences, guild-wise, that they would be willing to share? Who should I avoid, who should I go beg for admittance?

  2. #2
    The decisive first question: are you on RK1 or RK2?
    Numi7, Omni-Tech Employee
    Solitus Engineer
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  3. #3

    Unhappy D'oh!

    I knew I shouldn't be posting on no sleep. . . RK1.

  4. #4

    Cool Suggestions

    When I first looked for a guild I didn't have a clue and ended up joining a very new guild with people who were just learning. It was not their fault but the guild never became cohesive, I gave it a month a left. Now I am a member of two guilds (two characters, one who has been inactive for quite some time) and here are the suggestions I have.

    First answer the following questions honestly:

    1. Why do I want to join the guild: Social, Role Playing, Help with items, Teaming, Hunting, etc. My desire to join the guild was for social, light RP, and teaming. Also, I love to help lower level players so I joined one that recruited lower level players and I spend time helping them learn the ropes, level etc.

    2. What size guild do I want: Small (usually very cliquish), medium, large. Each has advantages and disadvantages. A small guild usually is made up of people around the same level who tend to team a lot. It can be very social without requiring overwhelming time. Medium, harder to find team often than other two because it lacks cohesiveness of small and numbers for large. Tend to be more social with more people. Large better for teaming, harder to rise in, easy to get lost in.

    Now how to choose one:

    1. Hunt with people. When you hunt with someone and you like how they play, check them out the Shift left Click and see what guild they are in. Note it and then go check out the guild.
    Does it match your criteria decided.

    2. Look for a website for the guild. Check it out, find out what they believe in, what they are for, etc.

    3. Talk to members of the guild. FC keeps a list of all guilds and their members and ranks. When one interests you contact some of their higher level members and maybe some rank and file. Ask a few questions, see if the guild is working or not. If they won't talk to you do you want to join them?

    I hope this helps. If you are clan I encourage you to check out my guild: The Tides of Rubi Ka, if you have any questions just send me, Randalpho, a tell in game on RK1.

    Randalpho 73rd Level MP
    Why do I use pets? Well, my shotguns hit for 8 and their shields hit for 10. Any other questions?

  5. #5

    Talking Guild

    Sorry Kenlon:

    Didn't read the Omni part. Ignore everything I said, choose a guild that has a scum leader who is just waiting to set the /org Tax to 1 million credits and get totally ripped off

    Randalpho 73rd Level MP
    I never solo, I have pets.

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