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Thread: ClickSaver 2.0

  1. #61
    Originally posted by MiKEBoND
    Hey woot, it works fine now!

    Morb is teh_roxoj0r.

    Well, I suppose those buffer overrun checks weren't so useless then...

  2. #62
    /me worship MORB!

    Awesome job.

    Does this "auto search" for a selected item or do you have to click generate for each listing (still a HUGE timesaver!)

    How does it work with stores? (or does it?)

    Are there plans for a group mission interface anytime soon?

    incredible job!


  3. #63
    Auto search searches for every item in the list (the selection stuff is only for editing the list)

    It doesn't work with stores.

    Team mission support... When I feel like doing it :) (actualy I have already figured the format of the mission packet, I just have to code it but I'm a bit lazy these days :D)

  4. #64
    Thanks for the answer MORB, got it all working.

    What kind of bribery do we have to perform to get team mission support? <grin>

    I know, I promise to include you by name in my "Episode (fourteen point) II: CLOMNI Strikes Back with Attacking Clones"


  5. #65
    Just for those who never read the login screen (there are many, seems like):

    Third party tools, (14.05.02)

    We get a lot of questions about 3rd party tools, how we feel about them, and what our official stance towards them is. Well here it is: Funcom does not condone the use of 3rd party tools. We know that there are 3rd party tools out there that players use on a regular basis and that these tools help players a lot, but...

    We can, and will, make changes to the game that might affect how these tools work, and if they work at all. Although going after these tools isn't a high priority for us at this time, we won't consider the functionality of the tools when we alter the game.

    Please make sure you read point 9 at, which says: "You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to, or from, the servers running Anarchy. You are however allowed to use status pages provided by Funcom." and point 9 in the EULA, which states: "You may not use any third party software to modify this Software to change game-play" and that you are aware of the fact that you might risk getting banned from the game by using some of these tools.

  6. #66

    uh huh..

    So, they like us to damage our wrists searching through endless missions or is this about another program? Clicksaver certainly changes game-play mechanics of mission hunting from tedious, boring, and annoying to somewhat painless.. This is bad how?

    Funcom seems to make this game more difficult and aggravating by the moment. Most of us don't want to camp mission terminals for hours. Most of us don't want to camp special bosses for days. If you make it out like everyone that uses this utility is exploiting, I'm out.. I won't go back to clicking through the mission terminal for days at a time before finding the item I want.

    FC remember you're hurting the casual gamer with policies like this. Hardcore gamers have hours and hours to jump through your hoops. Casual gamers do not. Clicksaver makes your game more accessible by leaps and bounds.. Third party utilities that are benificial to the general public and don't change data should be left alone.

    I hope someone either says it's an approved utility or makes changes to AO's interface to accomidate similar useful features. I honestly will quit if I lose the ability to search for mission items in a decent time frame.
    The Cubicle - All the Bureaucrat news you can bear to hear

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  7. #67
    They said numerous times that for now, they basically don't care for AOMD like programs. They leave them alone, let people use them, and when they change the game, they don't care if it breaks such programs.

    I think there is a game design flaw with the way missions and missions rewards work currently..
    And I suppose they're trying to find a solution (I think that team missions boss only loots are a part of it), and in the meantime they let people use those tools.

  8. #68
    MORB Thanks for clicksaver, it has saved me so much time and effort when lookign for missions I can now finally get my 6x belt. You are a god among men. Thanks for your effort.

  9. #69

    Re: Clicksaver v2 - nice.. but one problem

    Originally posted by Xlot
    Nice bit of coding.. and cool approach to not using libpcap.. oops.. winpcap

    You said you tested under win98.. well I'm running win2k (sp2), and it works fine.

    Only thing it doesn't allow me to do is paste in a text string that has newlines in it.. I maintain a text file with lists of needed items (e.g. nanos) for each of my chars.. which I used to paste bits of into AOMD.

    Clicksaver will only let me paste in a single line of text.. may I suggest that to aid people upgrading from one of the many AOMD versions, you allow this? Shouldn't be a very hard parse

    Open up your clicksaver directory. The Item list and location list are just simple .txt files. Open them up and edit them to your heart's content.

  10. #70
    BTW copying text and then trying to paste it into the item list by using shift-insert doesent work, but pasting using ctrl-v works just fine. At least in Win2k which I use.

  11. #71
    You can also resize the window to make everything fit volatus ;)

    Cool: shift-insert ????

  12. #72


    Oh, yeah. Thanks Morb.

  13. #73
    /me would love team missions to w0rk.. So I can get them in a specific area.. would be real, real, real nice.

  14. #74
    Originally posted by MORB
    You can also resize the window to make everything fit volatus

    Cool: shift-insert ????
    Ya, shift-insert does the same thing that ctrl-v does, paste.

  15. #75
    Originally posted by Bhaaz
    While I think that it's perfectly fair that dial-up users can now use clicksaver, I am a little concerned about what FC's reaction to this might be. One of the devs posted here that their only real concern was the added stress on their server's cpu. Well... it just might jump as much as 200% as now everyone can pound terminals with mission requests every second.

    Hmm.. I dont think so.

    When i do mission searches i don't say to myself: "Im going to spend exactly 5 hours to day searching for and running missions".
    What i do say is "Im going to find everything on this list of items.".

    When i finish searching for and retreiving every item on the list I'm done. Either way the same number of clicks take place.

    Without Clicksaver i clicked 892 times over 3 hours, 2 hours doing the missions, and then went back to leveling for another 36 hours.
    With Clicksaver i clicked 892 times over 3 minutes, 2 hours doing the missions, and then went back to leveling for another 36 hours.

    In the first case i did a total of 892 clicks in 41 hours. In the clicksaver scenario i did 892 clicks in 38 hours and 3 minutes. Thats not a very large difference in avg clicks per hour

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