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Thread: Trader Team Heals - Poll The Community

  1. #1

    Post Trader Team Heals - Poll The Community

    With the changes coming for the trader team heals, and all the uprising I am hearing. I would think it should be left to the community to vote on whether the team heals should be changed.

    I know of many other professions that rely heavily on a trader to be in there team to keep the team healed.

    So I ask this of Funcom, poll the community of users and let them make the decision, not some nano designer.

    Please bump this if you care for or ever need a trader to save you in a mission or monster fight.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Question you confuse me

    the chance that they will listen is small.

    but i give you points for effort.

    still i wonder why all gaming companies think themselves immune to people migrating to other games.

    in the end you need regulars not people you shanghai into the game with merchandizing.

    that funcom cannot deliver that or is unwilling to because they did not learn from the agent nerf fiasco is not my problem.

    i do not know wether swg will be that hot, but its sci fi.

    as is all that vaporware stuff, citizen zero and all - we will see what happens once ao looses its niche status of being the only thing people who do not wish to play ANOTHER mediaval thing have.

    once 1 or 2 alternatives are established i give ao 3 months tops.

  5. #5
    A player poll? Screw that!

    The last thing I want to see is the masses make design decisions. Hah, what a chaotic mess that would be. Let the players play, and the designers design. Just because a few traders are worried that their God-like healing abilities are going to be tweaked doesn't mean Funcom has to abdicate its designer responsibilities to players—who, let's face it, are just greedy for items and power.

    And another thing, if I hear another player threaten to jump to SWG I'm going to seriously barf. You really think SWG is going to be free of bugs, exploits and "nerfs"? Boy, Blackwing, are you setting yourself up for disappointment. You're talking about a game developed by Verant and Ralph Koster (of UO fame) - so please, temper your expectations with that in mind.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Nomaar
    A player poll? Screw that!

    The last thing I want to see is the masses make design decisions. Hah, what a chaotic mess that would be.
    Heh, and what exactly do you think brought on this upcoming change in the first place? Thats right, you got it, massive whining by some idiots who had no clue of the repercusions if Funcom actually listened to them, which they did unfortunately.

    This would be the thread responsible: . Funcom read it and now we get to have only one class that can team heal worth a damn, making all our regular hunting that much harder. Heck, I am a doc and I am upset that I will be the only one able to keep a team alive now, I can't mention how many times the trader in the group was the one that made it possible to live through a really bad pull or boss rooms in general.
    Last edited by Kwoung; May 21st, 2002 at 22:36:17.
    Flann - Doctor
    Kwoung - Martial Artist
    Acidwash - Fixer (semi-retired)
    Rubi-Ka 2
    The Descendants

  7. #7
    Oh really, Flann?

    Tell me, were you privy to the secret Funcom meetings where the AO developers were fretting over these threads? Did you see the sweat dripping down their foreheads as they huddled with their backs against the wall?

    Don't make me laugh. Threads like that happen all the time. I fully believe the designer who wrote they've been looking at this problem for a long time. Trader heals are ridiculously overpowered and any fool can see it.

  8. #8
    If what they said is true they need to get a PR person, one that understands how we (the customer) think & censors out the the stupidity like the thread where they showed the current envisioned changes to trader team heals. Then makes a post saying that they are already looking at the problem for the last 3 months and that they are going to show the envisioned change in a day or so. Not what they did now by first bringing out the changes and then noticing that they started WWIII on the doc/trader boards so that they bring out that statement.

    And that is the problem. The solution came to close after we docs started yelling up our team heals to (at least) equalize them with trader team heals. Then they see the war that they started and try to defuse it.
    This is your scenario.

    The next is just as likely
    We docs are yelling for an minor upgrade to our team heals. FC sees that we are comparing ours with the traders ones and seeing the amount of replies perform the knee-jerk reaction of making trader team heals next to unusuable. Then when they see that this is starting a war they claim that they have been thinking about this for ages to defuse it.

    You can't tell which one is true. And seeing the history of PR blunders that have happened so far (going back to the point where the beta testers said it is not ready but the game was released) people are inclined to believe my scenario over yours.

    And that is sad since it means that the people who like the game most (the reason they are so vocal) don't trust what funcom says, have a wait & see attitude and go completely (relatively speaking) beserk when in their opinion FC screws up again wondering why they (the players) don't get asked for info before FC changes stuff.

  9. #9

    bump then.

    i doubt they'll do it though. they've already gotten quite a bti of feedback and are going through with the heal-change, despite massive player outcry.

    i agree, by the by. this shouldn't be a game ruled by the howling masses... i just wish FC would talk to the folks they think of as respectable, or experts on a class about *how to play that class* and what proposed game changes may do to that class

    ah well

    Zyxlhyperbouncing firebrand trader going up in flames of black shiny kirch kevlar twirling armor spinning sparks and smoke

    I demand Miir release her summer line! and her winter line! and her fall collection!

    And I want a kevlar combat bikini too please... and a summon-and-debuff Leet for all of those pesky people wanting wrangles

    While I'm being greedy and demanding... I'd like to be a little taller too, and I think I really want a few wigs for fun, and maybe a hat or two, and some irridescent purple guns that do cold damage. Got that? Good. I'm waiting impatiently here

  10. #10
    Flann that post started N O T H I N G!

    Even Cosmik said him self!

    Did you care to read that? No. You go ahead and blame Doctors
    for your new found problems.

    We never asked for the *BLEEPING* change in the FIRST place.
    And we SAY this OVER AND OVER! Letah even says her self!

    But do we understand?

    I agree with Nomaar.

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