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Thread: Official rant section?

  1. #1

    Official rant section?

    To better serve the Ao community I believe in my humblest of opinions that we need a Rant Room. We could feed the trolls all at one time and relieve
    ourselves at the same time. *relieve how you see it...

    I decided to give it a go and wrote my first official rant, well maybe my (look at my post counter I guess).

    Sometimes I think AO is a twisted sociology experiment gone wrong. Game has little content, broke to no trade skills, no story line, broken promises, diminishing community, a new upcoming server when Funcom cant manage events on Rubi 2, slaps in the face asking if the player community wants events, has events on Rubi 1 that ninja steal pvp titles, pvp titles that are meaningless and encourage grief play, Houdini Items, over camped statics (yeah all what 4 of them), no class specific purpose, more nerfs than you can shake a bat at, still have soooo many bugs (take a look on the test server boards), heh a test server where you expect players to pay and test your product, a staff of players called arks that pay to be your whipping boys.

  2. #2
    Somehow I think the rant section would end up having the most posts - I wonder why?

  3. #3


    I can agree with that. The main question is what good are the ARK............. You send a petition when and if they get back to you, they blow smoke up your arse because they have no power and the GM's don't do much better. Why is it that if the game screws you out of equipment, money, or experience the gm's can't correct the problem and replace the lost stuff.

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