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Thread: ^Perfect Solution^ To creating a story in AO for free no need to use FC resource!

  1. #1

    ^Perfect Solution^ To creating a story in AO for free no need to use FC resource!

    You have 30 on Expansion
    You have 30 on patches and fixes

    Why not form a 30 experienced player GMs. Surely the AO GM can do lots of magic stuff I hope like creating effects moving things and so on. Why not select 30 or 20 players to become GM's and weave a story or events. Lack of NPCs? who needs them players are the best emulation of roles.

    These GM's can act as clan rebel leaders for example they can dress themselves into the dust brigade and go into tir and shout till every clanne ron the street joins them , just fun stuff and all. Player made speechs are way better then NPCs and why not do it 20 or 30 players form the community is not alot I hope and this can be funcom's way to avoid wasting money or diverting employees to work on the story. Just let the selected players make them. There is no need to be a story if you don't want but they can weave daily or weekly events that will attract many.

    I used to host my own UO shard so I know that GMs do have a great deal of ability. They usually can change rules move objects and so on. The selected individuals must be experienced and prove themselves. This will make Rubi Ka a much more exciting and fun world with weekly events.

    I can see this is the ultimate way for funcom to make a story without using many resources. Sure you're afraid that some insane GM will wreck and exploit but it's a good solution to most players complain of lack of content.

    The possibilities are endless if you think about it. If the players do manage to weave events AO will be a much better world.

  2. #2

    Re: ^Perfect Solution^ To creating a story in AO for free no need to use FC resource!

    This won't solve the core problem.

    The world needs NPC's. Period. Omni1 should have 30 NPC's alone.

    It takes ONE PERSON to make NPC's.

    What the hell was going on from AO's first moments in someones head ... to AO release that they didn't have ONE PERSON to make NPC's? If you had one person making NPC's, and lets say he's a total slacker and he made ONE npc a day... we would have had over 1000 notable npc's by now.

    I've been a DM for Ad&d and WW games for almost 8-9 years now. I used to have to spit out 4-5 npc's a day to fill chronicles full of memorable and exciting characters that players actually had interest in.

    30 people with 30 different visions of what is cool isn't going to improve the game. It sounds more like a last ditch effort for a sinking ship.

  3. #3
    It is a last ditch effort for a sinking ship lol. Players can also be asked to produce NPC templates. I don't see it as that hard you have key words then answer.

  4. #4
    The day they'd let us do that..

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