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Thread: Subway Stations

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Subway Stations

    So, when I first bought AO I heard about subway transit that took players all over rubu-ka and thought"that's so cool". but obviously it didn't happen. Aparently Funcom realized what a pain it would be to implement and so scrapped it. Once again, If funcom takes their faults and uses them as aspects of the game, things would work out great. Take this idea:

    See, when Omni-Tek started building towns and cities on Rubi-Ka they began designing a subway system. Unfortunately, the plan was scraped mid construction due to the worker rebellion and formation of the clans. Verry little tunnel work had actually been dug, but large underground subway stations were built all over the landscape (especially under the larger cities). Most of these instalations were never finnished, sealed off and forgoten. Since then, the less reputable citizens of Rubi-ka have located and broken into these subway stations to loot them as well as to set up hideouts and black market "flea markets". Of course other stations have become home to dangerous wildlife and the more organized Mutants of Rubi-Ka.

    How cool would it be if Funcom made a series of static dungeons set up like subway tunnels that followed this storyline? there could even be acces points to tunnels just outside of cities so that say a clanner could enter a tunnel and travel under omni trade. An omni would enter the station from the city and meet on the abandoned platform to make a secret black market deal. The big omni cities might have aspects like heavy toxic waste dumping while Clan cities may have adapted potions into bomb shelters in case of severe omni- attacks. Certain area would be relatively safe, others would contain MOBs. Some subways could become quest dungeons.

  2. #2

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