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Thread: Small event in Omni Trade today

  1. #1

    Small event in Omni Trade today

    Just to report a small event in Rubi-Ka 2 today...

    I was playing my little level 5 MP trox when I saw a mutant in Omni Trade. I pressed T, and it says he is NEUTRAL, and is level 100. "WTF?!" I rushed up and saw that his name was "Kerazik the Mutant" in GREEN.

    "Maybe a crat charmed a mutant and renamed it to green?" I thought.

    So I checked those people surrounding the mutant. Nope, no crat there, and they are all below level 100. The mutant said something strange from time to time: "The Daarrrkkkneessssss.... issss commiinngggg...."

    It took me a while to figure out that it's actually a GM running an event :P

    I was so excited to see that... after chatting with the mutant for a while we learned that he needs to go to lush fields to meet his family. He said he was an opifex before, but turned into a mutant by "Omniiiii-Tekkkk".

    So we escorted him along the way, dragging more and more people as we proceed:

    Finally we came to a mutant camp and saw two more mutants with GREEN names, both are red to me. "Nicccceee peoplllleee.... here is your rewarrrrdd..." and look what we all get:
    Very impressive huh?

    After talking more about the evil "Omniiii Tekkkkk" and praising us "niceeee peopleeee" for a few more times, the mutants said they need to rest and said bye to us. They went into a little house and disappeared.

    Everyone was so excited about the surprise. The ring is nice, and the event (albeit simple and short) is even nicer!!!

    Last edited by Thunder; Jun 14th, 2002 at 12:55:46.
    Fletcher "Thunderflame" Goliday
    Vern "Thunderfire" Boehme
    Devin "Thundertrox" Aronstein

    Just keep running, falling, till you reach the border. There you reach out, find out: Blessed with all the Thunder of the World.

  2. #2
    When I was a noob I wasnt helped, I had to fend for myself ah well..

    Actually pretty good, except, for the past three days I have been saving clon**** from firestorm clanners, and reet retreat from fire storm clanners.

    No reward?

    On both occassion I was helped by a person, Im a go write up a story later on.

    Way to go!

    Im glad to see GM do some events, even for a small group of people.

  3. #3
    this sounds like a great event they did, Kudos FC rewarding the players is a big up..KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
    Eldridge "Thewanderer" Shelling
    Clan Martial-Artist
    3305 Local Diplomat

  4. #4


    So what was the free stuff?

    Did anyone try to kill the guy while you were escorting him?

    or was it a milk run?
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  5. #5
    Looks like it was a low lvl event, but the nice thing is, it was RK2

    Level 125 Enforcer
    Advisor Of Deus Ex Machina
    Rubi-Ka 2

  6. #6


    I like it !
    More of this please !

  7. #7
    /me melts

    thats cool FC, i mean it, thanks for helpin out the lowbies, keepin em on the edge of their chair, guarding a mutant and escorting him back to his home familiy in lush. its a simple event that lets low levels interact with the enviroment and stay interested in the game world. grats again.

    now, just make there something like that for the high levels, or let me be a GM from home, and ill do it.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    nice event.

    More More more more

    Meta Physicist

  10. #10

    Good Work Fellas

    Nice to see this sorta thing happening on RK2, been waiting a long time for it. Keep it up.
    Doctor Katrinex Clendennon MD

    Advisor & Master Surgeon
    Omni-Tek Corporation RK2

    Clanners! Farzens of em!
    Steady there lad, don't shoot til ya see the whites of their eyes.

  11. #11
    <Toy Story Aliens>
    </Toy Story Aliens>

    Kick-ARSE! That's absolutely cool. Makes me want to join ARK so I can participate in stuff like that from the organizer's pov. (Veteran tabletop gm/dm/storyteller) This game is chock full of event potential. So very nice to see it being utilized.
    Blackshere - Opifex Agent - 117/2
    Ascorbin - Atrox Keeper - 105/3
    Troxli - Atrox Martial Artist - 101/2

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