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Thread: In a Perfect "AO" World...

  1. #1

    In a Perfect "AO" World...

    This is somewhat in line with Unit001's post about the elite server. Well, that's what got me thinking anyway. It got me thinking about why I play these games in the first place. And why most people play them and what could really make a difference in AO in the future.

    Here's a little background: I got my start as a an Ultima Online (UO) player when the game first started back in the mid-90's. I eventually ended up on the Napa server when it first began so I could get a clean start on a new server. Since then I couldn't stay away from MMORPG's. I beta tested EQ and had been waiting for AO for a long time. So far, I have to say, the only one that came close to a great experience gaming was UO. AO has come a close second.

    With Star Wars: Galaxies in the midst, AO is going to have to do some revamping to keep its players interested and to keep new players arriving. I have already left once and returned after many patches hoping to find that experience again.

    The experience I'm talking about?: Well, back when UO first started, they had this rule about PK'ing. It was something like, if you decided to take on the life of a PK'r, there were consequences. The only real consequence was that the player was marked as a criminal and they would be attacked by guards if they went into town. That makes life a bit difficult for them. So, obviously, they had to have other characters to get supplies for them.

    The reason I liked this?: It worked for me because venturing outside of town was risky and dangerous. Not only because of the monsters, but because, at anytime you could be attacked by pkr's. I remember people running back to town with word that PK'rs were about. They were taking over the bridge that lead out of town or they were attacking people on the southern cross roads. People in town would rally together or an anti-pk guild would take them out. There would be an all-out battle. People were forced into PvP situations. It got your blood pumping and made you want more!

    Of course, there were those unfortunate low level people and others who just wanted to play the game and have fun. So they allocated other rules for PvP and eventually ended the blood-pumping scenarios that became a thing of the past. So now my old friends from UO talk...."remember back in the day when we got attacked by 4 pkr's, there were only two of us and we won!".

    I rarely hear people talk like that anymore. Instead I hear people on AO talk about PvP like it's something people do because their bored, not because it's an option, a roleplaying-character-development-option. I hear how the game gave the other characters an unfair advantage and how they lost to lag or how you can grid into a PvP section and await people to join into combat. There's no running and chasing or any of that. No surprises. No PvP guilds that are true PvP guilds. I'm talking about the ones that take over an island as their own to inhabit knowing that they have chosen the life of a criminal and liking it. I'm talking about those guilds that become infamous due to their accounts. Or, for that matter, those who become famous for defending the innocent.

    AO is missing this one roleplaying aspect that makes people get involved and not want to leave what they've worked so hard for. To become a legend in the only place they can these days. Of course, you'll have those that will complaing about how they lost their items to PK'rs. But that's what the bank is for right?

    I think the "elite-server" that Unit001 suggests is a good idea, but why not start by incorporating some of those options and making PvP more real on the current servers? I think it's more important to enhance something that's not yet a success before making additions.

    The technicalities of such PvP were something like this if I remember:

    1. PK'rs were marked in red so that if you came into contact with one, you surely knew to run or fight.
    2. PK'rs could not enter cities without being attacked by guards, or other players for that matter.
    3. Depending on the level of the PK'r, you would get a certain amount of experience from that character and could indeed loot their dead bodies if you killed them.
    4. They could loot your if they killed you.
    5. Only the players who killed the other had access to that players loot.
    6. Banks were a big thing because they allowed you to keep you items there in case you got pk'd.
    7. All equipped items could be inaccessible.
    8. Money could also be left in the bank.

    I say all this with impunity as I am not a big advocate of PvP, yet I understand its importance in roleplaying. It makes a big difference.

    Thanks. Please feel free to comment and discuss. I am an open-minded individual and love to hear and give feedback on any and all topics.
    Last edited by The Establishment; Jun 19th, 2002 at 21:22:39.

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