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Thread: Motd We Should Have Them!!!!!

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Motd We Should Have Them!!!!!

    ok i think we should have a motd command all of us org leaders. a MOTD command is in game that youy go /motd (msg) and type what you want you org to hear. it make's it so everytime anyone in your org log's on they get that msg poped up so it end's up being very useful to get in touch with all org mate's if or if there not on. I got this idea from EQ (sux) but it was a very good idea and it helped alot with keeping to org stable!

    ok also i think there shoul;d be a /motdgive soemthing like that then the person's name so they can also up date or make a motd when ever they want. i think this is a very good idea and it would help with the game ALOT!

    (sorry i cant spell well =0 )
    if you got any question's or you would liek to contack me in game /tell uggbash (RK1) or /tell weight3000 (RK1)

  2. #2
    MOTDs are a good idea.

    Just for information's sake, they didn't start with Everquest. I'm -pretty- sure (and someone will correct me if I'm wrong ;) they first showed up on the UNIX operating system, years and years ago.
    Obligatory character links:
    Cyrboc, Jobian cyborg on lease to OmniPol (R-K 1)
    Evely, aqua knight! (R-K 2)

  3. #3
    I agree, this was a handy tool to use to keep our members current on important upcoming events.

    Would like to see this implemented as well in an upcoming patch.

  4. #4

    Arrow agree

    excellent tool idea!

    wanna wanna wanna

  5. #5
    yes thx for the idea
    considering the time it would take to wait for FC. I added it to my guild bot.
    Devis 194 Agent Retired
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