The rules of high lvl PVPing are atrocious. /tell helpbot level 82
I think a lvl 82 can PvP with lvl 75 up to lvl 200
WTF is it 200 for? Ive ganked (badly) by 2 lvl 200s today. Im only lvl 82, do you (FC) have any idea how bad these rules are? I cant lay a finger on these guys. What did you think a 75 COULD kill a lvl 200? Have you ever seen one do that? Have you heard about that? Im sure these lvl 200s ENJOY picking us off like ants but it just aint right. The PVP rules were set before OEing, where a 75 maybe, perhaps, could actually prick a lvl 200's skin. Since we have OEing, and since people can still make-shift step implants to give them an extreme edge in PvP, i think we really need to change the PvP rules in order to show these "godly" 200s that either we cant afford to step implants that high, or find a high lvl PvPer to super-buff us before battle (which usually doesnt make a real difference).
Is this a sick joke? These Omni gankers arent even fair in how they execute us clanners and take pride in how bad they whoop us.
With this in mind, we cant exactly call it PvP. In PvP both sides are equally matched. We should call this so-called "PvP": Ganking, as its official name
In fact, lets make an event that all omni characters will be teleported to Metmedere and all clanners be put in a pen. The Omnis just merrily walk up, and maybe pick off one or two hundred, or whatever fits their appetite.....
IOW, PvPing isnt exactly fair to us that actually follow the OEing rules, or actually give the person we intend to kill a sporting chance. We dont want to be the people on a train mass executing buffalo do we? Or do you?