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Thread: Doctor Lovein

  1. #1

    Doctor Lovein

    Well we have sat and seen every other profesion get unique class specific items .. Ma suits , agent hood , fixer armor , more ma armor ... the list goes on .

    What i want to know , now that you made biomech effect all class's , is when doctors will get their own unique brand of clothing ? A surgical mask that uses the head slot , a surgical gown that takes the back slot ... they add to MM , BM , MC and TS while also adding to nano pool OR reduceing the nano cost . It seems every class has a real specific item for them , but the Docs , the people you rely on to keep you healthy , are left standing with their hands in their pockets . I dont want new nanos , i dont think we need any real changes to our profesion gameplay wise ... but some Doc items from FC would be a very nice gesture IMHO .

    Surgical Mask :

    550 stamina
    500 str
    ql 200


    mm 5
    bm 5
    MC 5
    TS 5
    Nano cost - 10 *
    adds to all ACs ( disease being a docs fav )

    This surgical Mask was used dureing the Cold Wars on Rubi-ka . Supposedly worn by the Infamous DR. Zand , who in his Time Slaughtered Helpless Omni tech emplyees . ( or some strange story that they can come upo with )

    Bump with ur ideas and support

  2. #2

    Thumbs up agree

    Doc's should be able to , after healing a team through a team mission, go "wow look, it was my turn to loot and I got this *fill in blank with doc-only neat thing* Im gonna faint".

    Devil's Advocate is cooler than you.

    "If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance."
    - George Bernard Shaw

  3. #3

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