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Thread: Roleplaying Question and In-game Mechs

  1. #1

    Question Roleplaying Question and In-game Mechs

    Can someone please clear this up for me as It's not something I can figure out for myself it seems. I have been told that Vixen Entertainment now runs/owns Rompa's in Omni-1? I have heard this type of thing often and thought oh that's great people are RPing and taking it to a whole new lvl but I didn't think it really meant that this particular group or individual owned and could set rules for other players in such a mainstream locale? I 100% support RPing and I like many of the members of Vixen, but every other player who pays $13 a month should have just as much right to RP in Rompa's. Why can't I get up and dance for tips or serve drinks if I wish? I also run a radio show..does this mean I have to ask Vixen Ents permission to broadcast my radio show from Rompa's? This severely interfere's with my (and others) desire to roleplay and have fun too. If Vixen want's to 'own' a building and Funcom wants to let them, which I personally disagree with, can't they at least use some other place that isn't so mainstream so people can go there for the sole pupose of RP with VE? There's a major lack in clubs/bars in RK and my favorite just got way too political.

    Thanks very much,

    A Concerned customer

  2. #2
    I am curious about this also. I recently heard a group of people saying that they "own" or "manage" the Reet Retreat. Is Funcom appointing people as the owners of these buildings? How does this work? I had been under the impression that everyone could go there and dance and party as they pleased. Are we supposed to be getting permission from these people before we have a party or hold a meeting there? Or are these people just appointing themselves as the "owners" of buildings that are for all players? Maybe a Funcom rep could clear this up?

  3. #3
    these people dont "own" any of the buildings, though some groups of people certainly do have more right to the building than others. I mean this in the sense that some groups have done alot of great things in organizing events and making places like Baboons a fun place.

    So really, if you want to be the "owner" then prove to the community you deserve it.

    btw this is not a flame just the anwser to your question, there is nothing stoping you from broadcasting a radio show from baboons or danceing to tips.

    they cant set the rules for you to be there or kick you out, funcom isnt backing them and saying yes these guys run the xyz club.

    though like i said, some players have been around longer and have a good standing reputation in the community which does give them some right in a manner of speaking.
    Last edited by Xyberviri; Jul 8th, 2002 at 06:15:23.
    ~I am the Virtual Virus

  4. #4
    Sounds like a turf war.

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