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Thread: Too many old spells

  1. #1

    Too many old spells

    There are hundrens of spells in my list, there too many spells in 1 place for being a doc, there should be an option to delete old spells.

  2. #2
    Trust me, once you meet a friendly trader and he slaps a nice little ransack, you'll be using your lowbie spells in no time.

  3. #3
    Why should I waiste my time just to find a sertern spell just to buff some newbies?. When I get a serious crash from AO, all hours of work of organizing are scrambled and most of the spells in medical tab. If they accidently delete their old spell they wanted, they just need to buy it again, how expensive are buying low ql? Beside, they should give an option to remove unwanted spells off their list, to make searching wanted spells more easier

  4. #4


    I don't necessarily agree with this. We have shortcut bars that could easily solve your problems.

    Put all your low level spells you wish to have access to, on say number 6 of your shortcut bar. Then a quick <shift>-6 will solve all your problems of sorting and what not.
    Kikikins - Trader
    Aviiendha - Doctor
    AussieGirl - Bureaucrat
    Sikozuu - Adventurer
    Luminarah - Fixer
    Hermionie - Nano-Technician
    Tygerlilee - Agent

  5. #5
    I completely disagree about deleting, but do agree there should be better options for organizing them. Agents really wrestle with this issue, probably moreso than other professions.

  6. #6
    spells?? what are spells??

    I heard that someplace in the very distant past had something called spells.....i've never seen one though...maybe I should go do some research.

    *Goes to the library and checks out a book called "The Norrathian Dictionary...then discovers he can't read it because its written in some old english dialect that has been dead for thousands of years...lots of thees, thou artest, and ye olds......*

    *lol* j/k
    Myles "Tahrus" Barchus
    CEO Freedom News Networks Inc., RK2
    Bureaucrat, Media Mogul, and all-around good guy!

  7. #7
    If you hate to redo all your shortcuts after reinstalling you MUST backup Pref folder (or whats its name again) because it is there where you keep all info on what item should go into wich shortcut.
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

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