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Thread: Bump this! Gambling in Newland!

  1. #1

    Bump this! Gambling in Newland!

    I read or heard somewhere that Newland was the home of gambling. It would be SO cool if people had an alternative way of making the big cash.

    Lets say that the empty east side of Newland became a gambling area where u could bet ure money on Leet-races, arena-fights (between people of cource) or just betting on numbers or whatever.

    I think it would be cool if u went there, placed a bet on something, then 10 min later u got a message that u won! Now u see a nice sum of cash added to ure account (ofcource next time u might not be so lucky..)

    Everything that adds excitement is a good thing so BUMP! if u like my idea.

    Have a nice day!

  2. #2
    I think it would be better if they just expanded Newland and set down a big building that sorta looks like MGM or the Mirage or something to that effect. And inside that building is where you could do all your betting/gambling.. Now that would be awesome!

  3. #3
    Oh definitely going to bump this. A casino in newland would be great. I can imagine playing blackjack for credits for hours and chatting on the side. It would be a great getaway from the violence. Also, that would be even cooler if you would get exp for winning.

  4. #4
    Or how about this? Have casinos in the clubs.

  5. #5
    I dunno, man. Gambling would be nice (I loved the casinos in AC!), but I'd hope they got their code *very* stable first....

    Somewhere, I have a screenshot from my n00b days, where I killed a leet and gained -92 experience. Yes, I gained a negative number, and *lost* XP. Since I had just leveled and had no XP buffer to start with, that did some... bizarre... things to my XP bar.

    So here's hoping you don't lose credits when you *win* at gambling

  6. #6
    Hmm.. Something new... Something fun...

    Jamar "Maggar" Bunke -- Title 4 doc

    Lewis "Munka" Thompon -- Title 4 Enforcer

  7. #7

    But what is with the shops of fortune? have a backpack full with tickets.
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