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Thread: Petition time?

  1. #1

    Petition time?

    Hi. First I want to say that i dont want to brag or anything but yesterday a friend of mine was stuck in a zone change between a shop in trade rk2.
    I did a petition and refreshed it severly times. First i was No4 in the queue and moved to 2 place. And so it was for 2 1/2 hour.
    Then suddenly i had moved up to 3 place in queue and after another 1 hour down to 2 place.
    My question is: Why do it have to take so long time to get help in the game? The queue was not long at all and i thought a stuck char had a priority to get help but after 3 1/2 of wasting waiting time we got tired and logged out.
    I can mention that my friend did terminate but it didnt help at all. But she lost her exp points but was still stuck in same place.
    Her char was visible outside the shop but she was still indoors and could run around but just not zone out.
    And after terminate she was still in the shop.

    I just wonder if there is any support ingame at all and if there is any use of using the petition or ar all ARK att RK1.
    C`mon, 2 pets and no help after 3 1/2 hour i think that is a real bad way of taking care of your costumer.

    The problem here i think is that, we player cant se if there is any ARK aviable or in duty, we can sit and wait for hours to get help and just hope that some will contact us but if we knew if there is no ARK aviable or in duty atm we can just logg out and dont waste our time.

    Btw Ark have helped me severly times so no bad feelings to them but it is to bad it should take so long time to get help when the queue is so small. And we didnt get any help either.

  2. #2
    i got killed by an ARK once.

    FC need to put more thought into who they name as ARKs. don't forget we are paying them for this game!

    And we aint getting much for it.

    Just a Baby Rant!
    Kissysuzuki 220 - 24 - 60/70
    Minisuzuki 205 - 9 - 13/70
    Riders of the Lost Org

    "Enforcers are being nibbled to death"

  3. #3
    Ive had that problem in a few missions this week. I die in a mission and am not sent to reclaim, and cannot leave the mission, also - terminating doesnt help. Ark seemed to show up pretty fast for me on both occassions though, I guess being a girl helps O.o shrug

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