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Thread: MP desirability in teams.

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancingrage View Post
    My question about this idea is this: Is nano healing affected by +healing?
    If you mean perks then yes, at least doc perks are affected by their +healing efficiency. At least they used to the last time I used them AND bothered to see how much they healed for aka long ago.
    Prynxkjui 220 NM MP / Prynjunior 220 Soli Doc

  2. #22

  3. #23
    I got a team once...but it was only bc they couldn't find an nt.
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  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancingrage View Post
    I meant nano healing as in HE/Nano regain perks like Spirit of Purity, the Genius 2 perk action, etc.
    It does not seem to, no.
    Prynxkjui 220 NM MP / Prynjunior 220 Soli Doc

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Flyingengi View Post
    I got a team once...but it was only bc they couldn't find an nt.
    And I thought I was the only one they used that line on.

    Gone are the days when they try and use my pet as a substitute doc outside of me helping lowbies in Adonis grind some hecks.

    So when do we get the CM and notum drain (hostile nanopool drain) auras?
    Sometimes, you just have to charge in with both hands blazing and hope they drop before you do.

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  6. #26
    Desireability should improve greatly if the healpet gets the straight heal with scaled percentage heal from Soothing Spirits like we asked for. Even at 150ish, the percentage should be enough to keep up with skyrocketing hit point values I've seen even then. (10-12k HP enfos aren't uncommon, for instance).

    As for damage, I'll cross my fingers for general pet improvement or flat out unlocking them from their current levels to lower ones.

  7. #27
    I'd like to see pet levels unlocking, sure. However, I think something should be done about improving or scaling the pets so they dontt become overblown excuses for other profs to scream for a MP nerf.

    The pets need to make sense for their level. Honestly, unlike Engis - whos personal damage can improve over time with wielded weapons, mp's seem to fall behind on our primary weapon: the nuke.

    I been casting MIMQ since level 110. Sure, there has to be something else out there? I can see pet damage getting higher, or nuke damage getting higher. Both would be fantastic, but I have my doubts well be seeing a good chunk of both here in the near future.

    Which is why I think its far more important to increase the MP tools to better create, as masta put it "synergy" with their team. Someone mentioned their vision of MP's being the pet version of Advies. While I wont argue against someone's personal vision, I more see MP's like the pet version of a Shaman from WoW.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

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  8. #28
    Heh, that would be me, actually. By "pet version of advies" I mean being the Jack of All Trades, master of none much like the adventurer is. Do a little of everything and be able to pitch in where needed in any area.

    Our nukes do need improving, but I don't know how we're going to make proper 'synergy' in a team without deliberately nerfing ourselves in some way. The whole 'CM aura' idea would basically force people to team us to get CM, which would be great for getting teams, poor for everyone else.

    Most likely it would have to be the two auras mentioned earlier, the +nanodamage and +healing auras, that would let us bring more to team, either that or more effective debuffs than what we already have (single nanoskill shutdowns, condensed damage debuffs, and a more effective mezzpet) but that's something that's likely to come later rather than sooner in the development, since the majority of that will be in nanos as opposed to perks (unless the auras are made perk dependent, that is.)

    That said, those two alone would get us gobs of team invites. I just hope if implemented they would work on the pets as well.

  9. #29
    Maybe they are holding off on it till something else manages to unsnag in their developement process. I remember reading somewhere about NT nukes being scaled a bit more to provide the "glass supercannon" image they had been bragging about for a while now. Its possible when they figger that part out, they might take a deeper look at other nukes from other caster types.

    team nanodamage aura would be awesome, as it would not only grant my wish, but also provide it without being perked. I dont suspect the +nanodmg will be as nice as a perk version however. I was so jealous of crats getting the +200% nanodamage proc, that perhaps its prolly just as well we could as for a +100% damage proc like that as a team version. All in all, i'd hate to see us get shafted with something too small to be worthwhile, like a +4%. It wont matter how much ++ you stack on a nuke if you're basically hitting for min anyway on everything but RK mobs.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

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  10. #30
    Pish, I've hit for min on RK mobs too, lots of stuff will push your nuke damage to min in a hurry past lv 200.

    That said, you're missing out on the discussion on the MP forum to trash Trance and do something else, I've put in 2 cents, apparently I'm not the only one thinking that a Creation Mastery idea would have been a better bet.

  11. #31
    A heal efficiency aura (well, nano dmg aura too) sounds really cool. You could also make it not work on docs and give some absurd amount (100-250%) of heal eff. Then you could actually fill in for a doc with say, a MP + an advy and MA or something, except you wouldn't have hp buffs, UBT, UBT procs, etc. Docs are at times in quite short supply anyway and advies and MAs struggle to find teams too since they don't have reflects, init debuffs, aoe tanking power or other qualities of the big 4 (doc, enf, soldier, crat).

    Docs would hate it though.
    Eroz, finally 220/26/70 Adventurer & proud General of Regulators on ex-RK2 (outdated) equip
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siahanor View Post
    Complaining about the realism of height changing mechanics in a game that has people who can channel their anger to make huge killer meatballs.

  12. #32
    Doc's places in teams are already set. They need very little help in terms of healeff and %nanodamage. But yeah, overall, that is something to consider.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

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  13. #33
    I certainly wouldn't say no if a 250% healing efficiency team aura suddenly came my way and asked to be picked up in my permanent tool set. But looking at the new +nano damage perk line that is planned, I think we should consider more serious, reasonable numbers. And a +10% or +15% or so aura would not be anything anyone would even notice, much less consider essential for a team.
    Prynxkjui 220 NM MP / Prynjunior 220 Soli Doc

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Prynxkjui View Post
    I certainly wouldn't say no if a 250% healing efficiency team aura suddenly came my way and asked to be picked up in my permanent tool set. But looking at the new +nano damage perk line that is planned, I think we should consider more serious, reasonable numbers. And a +10% or +15% or so aura would not be anything anyone would even notice, much less consider essential for a team.

    I would dare say that if its a scaling aura, then 10% would be fine at say... level 20.

    At 220, could be somewhere in the range of something very noticeable, say.. around the 180-220% range. Or, you could scale it off of level, like some of the AI lines.. get +1% nanodamage per level, for the duration of the perk.

    The downside is, is that while it scales for the team, it also stacks with the Trance line. So, in the end, it cant be too OP. So at trance 10 if there is a 180% personal buff, then obviously adding a 220% aura at 220 would be a bit over the top. Grand total there would be 400% so that could be a bit too much. In this case, there should be a way to scale it in such a way where you dont see i team of a buncha nt's and then one MP to boost them all. That would be insane DD in such a case. Still, just mostly offering ideas on this part. I hope the devs kick this idea around, test drive it, make it work in such a way that actually IS an improvement overall, and increases the viability of MP's to get into teams that wouldn't otherwise would pick someone else whos more optimized.
    Last edited by Bubbacrush; Nov 8th, 2009 at 23:22:28.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

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