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Thread: Weapon Smithing

  1. #1

    Weapon Smithing

    Hey a new Forum!

    I've just started to work on a weapon smithing resource site.

    It's currently based on the 14.0 item database.

    But it might be useful anyhow. I'm still working on it.

    So have a peek at The Forge .

  2. #2

    Cool Good info!

    Checked your site out. Good info!

    There are things that go 'Bump in the Night'. If you hear one, fear not, it's not me.

  3. #3
    Nice, but those info are available on

    Anyway, the idea is good only problems is that 90% of the recipes are utterly broken since a few months and FC does not seem to care at all about it.

    I strongly believe anyway that they were not broken accidently but on purpose by FC.

    One day a weapon was working the next day (after a patch) it was not working anymore (Disafilition sniper is an example).

    i think the Mausser never worked since I begun the game.

    Well the few weapons that are working are craps that no one wants. I have created an Engineer to built stuff but atm I have totally forgotten the idea and never go in tradeskills departement except to get clusters (well not only but you get the point)

  4. #4
    Heh, quite frustrating. I am relativly new to the game decided to spend a fair amount IP in Weapon Smithing not to mention a bit of cash only to find that of three recipes I have attempted they just dont work. My question to FunCom is this, have you any intention to test, address and fix these issues or will they be left to be a constant irritant to your paying customers?

  5. #5
    OK. I've run an update against the newest version of the item database. I unfortunatley cannot update the site with it yet. Will be done sometime next week.


    Quite a number of construction manuals have been updated and some (all?) of these now work!

    The following have been changed across the whole ql range:
    * Blackened Blaster
    * Disaffiliation Sniper
    * Suppressor
    * Notum Staff

    They've changed the way the process is described (shift-left-click the manual) - you can tell if you have a new manual by looking at the following:
    * less spelling mistakes
    * there is now a space after the name of the item to be added
    * no skill for the first item
    * the low and high skills are separated by a '-' instead that a '->'

    So FC is obviously addressing the problem, and we can hope for further updates in following patches!

  6. #6

    Smile Bump

    I've updated the site with a search function.

    You can specify up to 6 tradeskill items and their ql and find if you can build a weapon that uses them.

    The Forge

  7. #7
    hehe It's me bothering you again!

    I've updated the site.
    You can now enter test reports on weapon you've tried to build.
    The result of the tests will show up in the weapon list and the search results.
    I've already entered a few tests in there.

    You can also search by weapon name.

    So please enter some data and let's have a better picture of what works and what doesn't.

    Feedback is welcome!

    The Forge

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