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Thread: How the Martial Artist got be so powerful

  1. #21
    I'm guessing underoos! Same as me!

    Actually, some of you guys maybe need to relax. You're too hardcore about AO.....Maybe that's why I made this ridiculous thread. We're always so angry screaming about nerfs, exploits, blah blah blah, everything's gotten so darkm that we seem to forget we're supposed to be playing a game here.

    But that's actually the funniest part about the whole thing. Making a jokes and then reading folks' ungrinning criticism, such as "That was....useful" or the always over-uber Cloudeh's "I wish I was an MA ::::rolls eyes::::"

    If you've ever seen a picture of cloudeh in real life, you'd understand his need to be uber in a video game (imagine carrottop, only less attractive).... I'm kidding ::::rolls eyes::::
    Once more, I'm kidding.

  2. #22
    hahaha deac
    you're too wacky
    if your wife sees this she'll kill ya right? :P

    p.s. don't be mad cuz I scared your pets =(
    Jintensity, 186 MA
    Unit Member of Diversity

  3. #23


    Dont know what to think about this post......

    On another note though i would pay not to be a engie. Way to boring past 120 lvl.
    Biffatnugly 200 Enforcer
    ->Stats 150 Engineer
    Jadeivy 98 Doctor
    Jamms 40 Keeper
    Zipsky 20 Martial-Artist

  4. #24
    DON'T BEAT ME UP ANYMORE JINTENSITY!!! lol, I'm kidding of course

    That MA scare nano is some schweet stuff, I never realized it could work on pets. I've been trying to come up with a method to beat you. Hehehe, any tips (other than to pick a class that doesnt suck) in that regard are always welcome my friend

    I'm actually glad the MAs got love. I used to play one back when they stunk at lvl 100+. I just like to joke on how everyone calls the MA "Funcom's love child", like how they used to refer to metas

    And as for you guys that feel this thread is filthy, what are you referring to? Nowhere in there does it refer to anything improper. My wife concurs. She'll tell you herself once she gets up off her knees...

  5. #25
    I appreciate the fact that you were trying to be funny TheDeacon. However, you need to recognize that there is a fine line between clever sexual innuendo and fart humour.

    If you were trolling: Congratulations on a job well done.

    If this is a reflection of your real personality: Grow up.
    Skeena - Omni Fixer RK2 [SETUP]
    Mctrout - Omni Doctor RK2 [SETUP]
    Kaarp - Omni Enforcer RK2

    86% Explorer - 53% Socializer - 46% Achiever - 13% Killer

  6. #26
    *spit...*cough...*Burp...I love being a MA!

  7. #27
    Some of us like fart humor *gurgle gurgle, gulp* (wipes mouth)

    I'll break through that barrier of ice yet!

  8. #28


    I swear to god, this made me gag on my McFish Filet.

    Its just wrong to put a man off his Micky Dee's. Just wrong.
    Rogoff AKA Mr. Brumble - 59 Omni Bureaucrat (RK2)
    Goodz 55 Fixer, (RK2)
    Goodzz 25 MP - Afrolicious, freaky and habit-forming

    Mercinax: "/me casts afro containment field on Goodzz"

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