Well ive been a member of a guild almost from day one, i've stuck with 1 guild all the time even though its changed names a few times. But guilds in Anarchy Online are just a social thing, there arent much else to do than chat, all the stuff that the users want they've created. Luckily we have a nice guy in our guild (pax Romana/Pax Roma): Devis that maintains 2 bots for us, in guild bot and 1 chatbot. The guildbot has the normal inventory functions, MOTD, and some other features. The chatbot merges the chatting between the two guilds (mother guild + alt guild/recruit guild). Should FC have implemented this into the game, yes, but fortunately they've made it possible for us users to do it ourselves. But i want, and probably a lot of other people too; I/WE want more guild options/Stuff/houses/possibilities. A guild house ( with a bar or something, or a penthouse overview over the selected town its bonded too/made in), a guild bank where guildies can share their equipment/implants etc (with a possibility to adjyst who can actually withdraw or put in stuff ( We dont want any 1 day members taking all and selling it in the first store....). These guild houses should not be free, but bought by the guild, with possibilities to upgrade them, visitor areas(vip) etc.