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Thread: How about map and nano warnings?

  1. #1

    How about map and nano warnings?

    A good way to loose credits right now is to accidentally buy a map or nano that you have, and try to install it.

    How about a comment at the bottom of the descriptions of these things that says "You have this item installed." This way, checking it at the machine, we don't accidentally buy something we already have.

    Either that or auto-alpha the ones we have so searching for the things is easier. That'd probably be better.

    Once you get more than a few of either, it is rather easy to lose track of what you have, and I'm only a level 52.

  2. #2
    Maps: Oh well, you lose 500 creds. Poor you.

    Nanos: This game is not made for dummies. Look at your nanos then figger out if you have it already.
    Intenseheat: Omni MA, ph33r teh ub3r l337
    Preeminence: Omni crat - hopelessly gimped - lost 180K IP trying to reset skills - ph33r teh ub3r t33th
    Omniwins: Omni soldier, always winning

    I'm just an ass that happens to be smart.

  3. #3
    Intenseheat, I checked some of your other recent posts but didn't see the venom you threw here, so it isn't your normal style. What I did to draw your wrath I've no idea.

    It was a SUGGESTION. Digging through 2-3 pages of nano's to see if you have it is annoying and time-consuming. Reading your self-target info over and over when buying new maps is equally annoying, if not quite as long. It's a time waster more than a coin waster, and the code should be rather simple. A single, iterative, test applied to your character information from the client side.

    As for intelligence, normally I'd associate a high IQ with a person who insults another based on presumed mental capacity, as it shows that individual values that trait. In your case I'll make an exception.

    If you puzzle out the gist of my last statement, I might reconsider.

    How many words do you know for idiot? A moronic way to end the post, I know, but even those of us who aren't dim ourselves can make stupid remarks about the words for dumb.

    --edit below--
    Okay, I scrolled down on the search screen and found the spewed bile. Maybe this IS your style.

    By the way, what improvements/bugfixes WOULD you support, or keep quiet about? You are either itching for a fight, or you want FC to focus on some More Important Issue, so which is it?
    Last edited by Sean Roach; Aug 4th, 2002 at 11:17:26.

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