Greetings all,

I am trying to understand the general feel of things. I know that this booster pack has upset the majority of the people, but what exactly is going on with the patch? I thought that Monday was the day everyone waited to finally read some notes. Is Funcom planning to release those this week and people are patient or have all of you just lost hope?

If anyone can clue me in - that would be great. Btw, this recent upheavel in the world of Baseball has gotten me thinking. Nothing sends a stronger message than a unified voice. So instead of bashing the individual folk who have had enough and are now quitting, 1000+ people cancel their account for a month. That way the brilliant Funcom marketing staff will finally realize, just where exactly the money lies. Instead of trying to appease the newcomers with empty promises, they might consider taking care of their existing clients. However I would not have the faintest clue how to rally 1000+ people at the same time, but I do believe it might be a viable solution.
