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Thread: Team missions need fixed

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Team missions need fixed

    Funcom plz nerf missions its so dumb that you cant die from level 150 to 200. Can anyone remember a day when they died twice in a day from level 150 to 200. Or can anyone remember the last time they died at all. Team missions are way to easy. If there not going to make them harder then maybe make it so after level 150 if you do die you lose 25% of that levels exp saved or not. Hell 50% sounds better yet. This game was so much more fun before team missions when you had to hunt bcb or the borgs in mort. Bcb was even a pvp zone back before the mort borgs came on line. Anyone remember how fun the medussas used to be. You always had to be on your toes. Making sure no Mob walked your way and aggro your healers. Or the panic when one would spawn right on top of your team. And yes you could die and lose exp. That was way more fun then it is now. LOL I could make a 200 atrox NT or a 200 nanobreed enforcer with no problem just as long as I get over the 125 level and if I put in the time. In fact this game isnt a really a game anymore its a chat room where we run from room to room as fast as we can killing one mob with not a care in the world. Who ever gets to that room first gets to tank....A doc....A MP with no pets....engi with no pets...or even a NT. At high levels who needs a tank anyone can do it. This game didnt used to be that way we used to all have a roll in a team but now that roll has become fuzzy with team missions. One room one easy mob at a time and a 4 mob max aggro from other rooms. Totaly totaly lame game at high levels. What a joke I know some who will have two 200 level char by the time shadowlands comes out. Or it wouid be easy for them to since they have a 200 char and 150+ chars now. Funcom fix it plz because after level 125 your game really is boring. No not boring it just sucks.

    Eunucha 191 Doc RK2

    For all who havent seen me for a wile no I havent quit just need break from game.
    Last edited by BigBubba; Sep 3rd, 2002 at 23:45:16.

  2. #2
    Go cry nerf elsewhere. Better yet, go kill Borgs and Medusas. Stop whining nerf, and start thinking of solutions.

    Funcom, give us something BETTER to do with our time. Make RMs worth the time and danger. Make outdoor dyna-boss-camps give better XP than missions, or at least the same.

    Give us something other than those goddamn walls.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  3. #3
    I agree make exp tuffer. Make missions a ton harder. Give us better out door camps worth hunting but can still die at. Make all mobs in team missions alot harder. Make Exp tuffer to get. Anyone who plays the game can level to 200. A 10 year old could make a level 200 char on this game easy. This is dumb fix it Plz.

    Eunucha 191 Doc

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Kiryat-Dharin
    Go cry nerf elsewhere. Better yet, go kill Borgs and Medusas. Stop whining nerf, and start thinking of solutions.
    Actually, that was a solution.

    I don't understand how people can justify a system that has absolutely no challenge. If this were a single player game we'd all be in total agreement that it is too easy. Somehow, because AO is labeled as an MMORPG, people accept it and the concept of "fun" is totally removed from the equation.

    It reminds me of when I bought Gauntlet for the DreamCast. At first I liked it, especially when I played with friends, but after a short while the gameplay became way too repetitive and simple. Even the highest difficulty setting didn't make a difference. I think that sums up AO perfectly and is why I haven't played in months, many months.

    Until AO can give its players a sense of accomplishment (instead of boredom) from overcoming obstacles, it will continue to be uninteresting and eventually be forgotten as players leave for other games for their adrenaline fix. How many times have you read on theses boards someone say after leaving AO, "Wow I forgot that you were actually suppose to have fun playing computer games".

    By the way, I currently play Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and wow I forgot that you were actually suppose to have fun playing a computer game.

    Make mobs tougher but with more experience points and smaller mission sizes. When the danger and reward of mobs are increased to the point where players have to stop, think and plan on how to take them down, the fun will return. Oh, and adjust outdoor hunting so that they are an acceptable alternative.

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