Balancing a game where PvM and PvP are intertwined is an intricate task.

In this game, the two can't function together because mobs are not built like we are and they don't function like we do. At the same time, FunCom designed our skills to be powerful enough to deal with mobs. What they didn't take into account is what would happen when those skills were applied to other players. Why do you think they've nerfed range, reflect bracers, og crit buffs, the original low light targetting scopes and capped PvP damage in two ways?? To balance PvP? Most likely....but not a wise choice. Balancing PvP by nerfing breaks PvM....

Before you can balance professions individually, you have to balance PvM & PvP on a whole. They have to function in a like manner. Without nerfing damage output of all the professions globally, you could balance the two by doing two things:

Adjust the player HP scale.
Right now your typical mission mob has quite a bit more HP than the average player does. If the professions are the same, HP should be somewhat close.

Make the mobs use their combat skills better.
Your typical NT mission mob will maybe (big emphasis on maybe) nuke you once, whereas a player NT will get around a half dozen nukes in on a mob. Is that the way us NTs are supposed to fight? Hit Q, go get a soda, use the bathroom, come back, hit a nuke, grab some candy, come back, grab your stuff from the reclaim terminal? I don't think so. It would be wise to observe the PvP zones and study how the players fight and make the mobs use similar strategies and use teamwork to their advantage. This would at least make things a bit more interesting..

Ya..I know I'm dreaming, but without dreams, what is life?