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Thread: Check this out,this is to much

  1. #1

    Check this out,this is to much

    How stupied is this one,lol

    Is that for real?
    Does it excist ppl that stupied?
    Did he realy post all the names of his characters?
    Last edited by InspectorGadget; Sep 4th, 2002 at 05:16:22.

  2. #2
    The page cannot be found

  3. #3
    You are not allowed to view this web page. Please contact your administrator. DOH! they nerfed Ebay

  4. #4

  5. #5
    perhaps could also be someone trying to get that person in trouble..or doesnt care.
    regardless, selling accounts is dumb in my opinion (and yea! you asked :P )

  6. #6


    I'm also pretty sure its against the EULA.

  7. #7


    For those who can't access E-bay for what ever reason. here are the character names.


    Rioki lvl109 engineer

    (OMNI) 52 doc Illustriel

    (OMNI) 49 Agent Vespyn

    I'm alsmost tempted to buy it and convert it all into noobie startup packs.

    However rest assured there will be no deling with these toons
    Kissysuzuki 220 - 24 - 60/70
    Minisuzuki 205 - 9 - 13/70
    Riders of the Lost Org

    "Enforcers are being nibbled to death"

  8. #8
    Selling high lvl chars is stupid.
    BUYING high lvl chars is even stupider.

    But the most stupid thing of all, is to include char names on EBAY!

    FunCom, can you please keep an eye out on the account that hold the names on the ebay-sale?

    I'm concidering putting them on /ignore, just in case. I know I don't want to risk teaming with a lvl 176 newbie..... (yes, I have a char high enough to do that, but I prefer to keep her anonymous )

    ladydivine, Rioki , Illustriel and Vespyn are names that was mentioned there.

    There is even an Email adress there. Cosmik/Cz should you perhaps send am email to remind someone about the non-buying-accounts-rule?

    Or do you simply not care about such, as long as they pay the monthly fee?

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