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Thread: For soldiers!!(and FC)

  1. #1

    For soldiers!!(and FC)

    Ok...This is my first post ever, and i`ve been playing this game for a year. I`m not the first person to yell if somethings wrong, so something is definately wrong.

    I have a lvl 170 soldier, and like any other high lvl player I pvp a lot, cus theres really noting else fun to do at that lvl(my opinion).

    When i chose profession, i liked the idea of being a soldier, cus I thought they had to be the best in combat, i mean its in the name....Its our job...Thats why I`m sick of any other profession doin more dmg than me, and kickin my butt like I aint s**t. Imagine a doc, coming straight from the hostpital, just finnihed with a prostate operation. Then he wash his hands, picks up his weapon and go kill soldiers that dedicate their lives to combat easily. Where`s the sense...

    Sure we can take some dmg with our TMS up, but it can be fooled so easily im not even laughing. Root us, go eat dinner then come back afterwards and kill us. When it runs out we`re sitting ducks. One idea: instead of nano shutdown for 2 mins, why not make TMS unavailible for 2 mins, so we at least can break the root. We also got 1 more buff thats good, the reactive reflective field, but I havent met one oponent without it(non soldiers) since last Christmas. So the little advantage we should have there is gone, and other profs got their many great own buffs on top of that too. You can compare that buff with UVC, it most likely gives the holder victory. What happened to UVC..? Yeah that`s right, make RRF self-buff now. Im sick of ppl using the only good buff I have to get me killed.

    We also deserve some new buffs, I`ve seen most other proffesions get God knows how many new ones. The new weapon buffs FC announced like 2 months ago...when are they comin?? It should be soon, they are the one thing that is holding me up right now.

    I could continue writing about our obvious flaws, but it would take forever and im tired...

    You call this whining??? Even Mother Theresa would complain if you kicked her in the butt 100 times....
    Last edited by The Freak; Sep 4th, 2002 at 01:26:32.

  2. #2
    Yes someone else understand and see the point. I still said most of this too but there are still some ppls who don't want to understand our problems. There are still to much ppl who are thinking sols are good in pvp.

    We suck and I mentioned something of this in the thread I started here too and now I feel confirmed.

  3. #3
    My soldier has been put out to pasture. Until something happens I wont be playing her for a while. I’ve noticed a lot of my soldier friends are gone now too. Either they left the game, or are playing alts.

  4. #4
    Thats right and it's really not funny playing this weak and borring class. The only reason I still play my soldier is cause I'm to short to lvl200 now and I can make good money with him.

    But till I have the money to buy me a ga3 or 4 disc I'll begin to start a fixer. I could play a trader too but I think fixer makes more fun and I like the emergency grid out hehe. I'm to tired of getting killed in pvp atm. hehe

    Poor soldier class.

  5. #5
    Does anyone know when the new Soldier buffs are supposed to be made live? Err ok forget a date, what about which patch they'll be in? Cosmik? Cz? Anybody?
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  6. #6
    My guess is that someone will come along and mention the most wanted list... and yadda yadda yadda

    someone else will come on here and complain that we just want to kill every proffesion easily and that docs aren't as good as everyone says (seen that in too many threads)

    As things things stand right now, soldiers need work. In my opinion, they are good at PvM (now that crits are dampened, it seems to be Specials that have taken the cake). On the flip side soldiers have relatively few means to hold aggro (it's almost like our shields aren't factored into the damage we are doing)

    In PvP, it's a joke... we have a lower attack rating that many other classes, because every Assault rifle requires two skills to use... Debuffs destroy us (if you can't get an MK shield off), and PvP is currently set up, so that Heals are twice as powerful as dealing damage. The only thing that currently keeps me hopeful is that 1 in 100 time when you might launch an alpha... the other thing soldiers can do is gank half dead competitors, people half their level, or hold a position right at a zone, so that you can zone to safety when MK shield runs out.

    One very nice fix to the soldiers problem would be to make Soldier hit point buffs stack with other hit point buffs, but be self only... At least then you might find a soldier that uses them. No one in there right mind would waste their time with a soldier hp buff when Essence is already cast on you 99% of the time in teams. In addition, soldier should get a Rage line along the lines of an Enforcer that is self only and greatly boosts Ranged Init!

    The thing that seems to be missed in programming the soldier is that the soldier is a Ranged Enforcer in most ways... the buffs are even farely similar that each recieve... yes, soldiers have lower hp's and less AC, but this is to offset the fact that Enforcers are Melee and have a smaller range than Soldiers...

    Another dark issue, in many non-soldiers opinions, that would help soldiers, is for their to be two lines of reflect shields. One being self only and one being a team shield. The self only being more powerful. This would at least help, because right now we are dying to our own shield. The shields and heals are not cut in half in PvP, so anyone that has both has a distinct advantage over anyone else... this can be figured by simple math 30% reflect out of 50% damage... means that for starters you are only doing 25% of your normal damage

    YES THAT IS RIGHT 25% of your normal damage... now factor in that heals still do 100% heal... and you only have to heal 1/4 of the time that it was initially intended you heal.... Also... if the player has (will be fixed) two 21% bracers = 42%... then you get hit with 72% less than half the damage... which is only 14% of your normal damage...

    ok... so lets say I normally hit for 1k damage.... now I only hit for 140 damage on average in PvP... yet there is a heal that does 10,001 healling... If this heal were only used once in combat I'd have to hit the person over 100 times to have a chance at killing them.

    I DON'T THINK PvP was ever intended to be this bad!!!!!!!!

    Even without any bracers.. you get to hit a whopping 250 damage on average against people with 6-10k hit points and heals for 1-10k...

    It seems as though no one ever thinks about the math of whats going on...

    no single heal should be as good as 40 shots taken at an average of 2 seconds per shot...

    This is just something I've been thinking about and wanted to mention.. it's the reason I don't PvP anymore...
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  7. #7
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  8. #8
    yea! lets make EVERYONES buffs self only!!!! no more ANY outside buffs for ANY prof.

    You want an ess? Sorry buddy!! HP buff? NOPE!!! You need TTS/unexpected attack
    ? SORRY!!!! No more humidX/Compression!!! Lets make mochs and infuse self only also! I dont wany anyone else's buffs taking up my ncu dangit!!! Pretty soon, we wont have anything for anyone for any other class.

    PPlease FC. make the PvM people ( whom make up 90% of your population ) suffer because a few people do not think they are powerfull enough in PvP. Lesse. of the 10% that PvP's, we can say, 3% of those are soldiers. ( and that is generous )

    so, please, in the best interest of the game, make a change that maybe 3% of the people want.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Turin
    yea! lets make EVERYONES buffs self only!!!! no more ANY outside buffs for ANY prof.

    You want an ess? Sorry buddy!! HP buff? NOPE!!! You need TTS/unexpected attack
    ? SORRY!!!! No more humidX/Compression!!! Lets make mochs and infuse self only also! I dont wany anyone else's buffs taking up my ncu dangit!!! Pretty soon, we wont have anything for anyone for any other class.

    PPlease FC. make the PvM people ( whom make up 90% of your population ) suffer because a few people do not think they are powerfull enough in PvP. Lesse. of the 10% that PvP's, we can say, 3% of those are soldiers. ( and that is generous )

    so, please, in the best interest of the game, make a change that maybe 3% of the people want.

    thanks for the rant.. as I said in my post I know they are coming... I also stated that no other classes particularly like the idea... Sheilds to a soldier are our only line of defense, since we really don't outdamage by enough to offset heals...

    When all proffesions use the shields then we have nothing different from any other proffesion in a PvP battle... yet many have heals. Hell, even an enforcer has a heal that is self only...

    I didn't say make shields self only was the only solution, but you need to realize something... there are three ways to compete at PvP.

    1) damage
    2) heals
    3) protections (AC, Evades, Shields)

    soldiers excel in none of these (since the protection aspect is used by all in PvP and as I stated above MK shield is our only hope at all). When a doc and a soldier both use a CHS you have a difference of 150-200 attack rating we will say (although it is probably less). Using Antiguardians we can see, this results in a different of 386 dmg on crits and and 228 damage on regular shots... Since specials are random they are equal in that respect. now to factor in you only do 15-25% of your damage.. that means the soldier outdamages a doc by 34 to 57 on average hits.. and outdamages a doc by 66 to 96 on crit hits... Now how fair is that when the doc can heal for 1k to 10k with ease... even with how much you outdamage the doc, you'd have to hit him 15-30 times just to offset the first complete heal.

    And by the way.. this post is supposed to be constructive using facts not like yours which rants about why don't we remove this or that.... When crits were overpowered they were limited to the proffesion and a less powerful version was offered as a team buff.

    Personally I'd rather see specials at least readjusted so that skill matters in them.
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  10. #10


    Im really Glad someone else brought this up.
    although this isnt a proffesion specific topic area.
    he does have a very good point.
    soldier oblitorated by a lone doctor....
    fornt page news: Ant defeats elephant.
    ok maybe that was alittle overboard.
    but traders/doctors/crats.
    they use a trained proffesionals weapons as well as us
    have pets.heals.debuffs. that far outpower us.
    mp for example has unlimited heals. and can at the click of a button dissable my ability to mk(live-more than a second)
    with the advent of soldier only guns. BIG step towards helping the class exist on the same playing field. but honestly... we dont have 1 gun that uses all our skills in one. CHS-fling/burst/FA comes to mind. but uses fixer skils ?? it has our specials but not our skill requirement. nophex plasma destoryer looks nice. but dosent use our FA skill . i wonder... will any part of equipment for the soldier only actually use the skills that we are/were designed for ?(green skills) or do we just walk around as lvl 200 clones of MPs without a pet or a clone of a doc without heals.

    honestly if i could healmyself for 10k. whenever i needed to with little time delay. and my oponent could only hit me for a couple of hundred points every few seconds. i would make every attempt to rant and rave on the boards to discorouge my oponents class from being helped out aswell. after all if my oponents calss were to be given some form of help to be more equal . the playing field becomes lvl .. and we dont want that... because then some skill ma come into PvP .. heaven forbid ... lvl playing field !??!??!

    in a perfect world....

    i know what your thinking now.. " but lucid you freak , all classes are differnt, and their not ment to all be equal!! "

    true. very true. they werent designed to be equal at all.
    infact i can see some severe evidence that certan classes were extreemly neglected in design and maintinence of content throught the last year.

    im only hoping FC can see what we all can see...

    Soldiers...... need work....
    high spirits wont compensate for 800 rounds a minute...
    LucidTrance . imps . Gear

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