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Thread: would this make traders and everyone else happy about PvP?

  1. #1

    would this make traders and everyone else happy about PvP?

    the only thing i do not like about drains is that it will OE your weapon, which makes most profs useless in PvP. i can live with the hurt it my nano skills i just go to smaller heals and smaller init debuffes (BTW i am a doc) but the thing that hurts the most is the weapon OE, i think they should make it so Drains to not OE a person in PvP then it maybe a little more balanced. just a idea what do you traders think. you still have your drain but there is no OE for the people you are Draining.

    just my 2 cents.
    Proud member of TAG
    Zedtheknife - Keeper Equip
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    Zedddd (120) Trader
    Zedthekiller (115) MP
    Zedtheone (105) Enf

  2. #2

    No, I want the drain weapon skill part..cause the less atr you have the less you hit me...

  3. #3
    yes but then you are killing the odds of anybody even tring to beat you. you take away my damage and all that is left to do is run to a zone, but once i start to run you root me. and kill me off anyway. just tring to make it so everyone will be happy with out killing the traders fully.
    Proud member of TAG
    Zedtheknife - Keeper Equip
    Weapons I use on Zedtheknife
    Copy of the Excaliber
    Frost-bound Reaper
    Zed "Doczed" Dabucho Equip
    Zedthepimp MA
    Zedddd (120) Trader
    Zedthekiller (115) MP
    Zedtheone (105) Enf

  4. #4
    People beat me all the time Zed. Trust me Traders are anything but invincible

  5. #5
    ok thanks duck =)
    Proud member of TAG
    Zedtheknife - Keeper Equip
    Weapons I use on Zedtheknife
    Copy of the Excaliber
    Frost-bound Reaper
    Zed "Doczed" Dabucho Equip
    Zedthepimp MA
    Zedddd (120) Trader
    Zedthekiller (115) MP
    Zedtheone (105) Enf

  6. #6
    Na, leave the weapon OE part in. I mean, since a trader can EASILY debuff my GA to 25% why not have my weapon useless at the same time?

    But, its cool, cause fixers are just so uber they can't be beaten by anyone. Well...except traders. Oh ya, and MPs. Hmmm, ya NTs too. Oh, and Agents in FP trader. Doh, almost forgot, Docs. Wait wait...there's enforcers that can't be rooted and......

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Highjack
    Na, leave the weapon OE part in. I mean, since a trader can EASILY debuff my GA to 25% why not have my weapon useless at the same time?

    But, its cool, cause fixers are just so uber they can't be beaten by anyone. Well...except traders. Oh ya, and MPs. Hmmm, ya NTs too. Oh, and Agents in FP trader. Doh, almost forgot, Docs. Wait wait...there's enforcers that can't be rooted and......
    Yeah.. but can traders actually kill you?
    I've had many long fights with Fixers in GA, and i've only ever managed to kill one, the rest have run or gridded when i finally landed my plunder, landing a plunder against a GA fixer is v hard, if it dosen't stick, trader dies, if it does, fixer grids..
    Therefore you really go into the fight with nothing to lose, if the poor lil trader can't land a 190% resist nano on you then he's dead, if he can he lives and has like a 5% chance of killing you if you mess up.. I don't see why you'd complain about that..

    (I know your post this time is sarcastic.. but i've seen you post in other threads..)
    --Rookie Teh "Wobble" Sux----------------------- AKA-----------------------Pirate "Ninjapirate" Dog--
    WTB ATI T&L fix, h8 D3D.

  8. #8
    christ, wrangling rules? and an wrangle request template? Geez
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Womble

    Yeah.. but can traders actually kill you?
    I've had many long fights with Fixers in GA, and i've only ever managed to kill one, the rest have run or gridded when i finally landed my plunder, landing a plunder against a GA fixer is v hard, if it dosen't stick, trader dies, if it does, fixer grids..
    Therefore you really go into the fight with nothing to lose, if the poor lil trader can't land a 190% resist nano on you then he's dead, if he can he lives and has like a 5% chance of killing you if you mess up.. I don't see why you'd complain about that..

    (I know your post this time is sarcastic.. but i've seen you post in other threads..)
    actully... A trader could do the debuff and run and debuff tactic.. as when a trader stick that deprive on the fixer for the first time hes dead =/
    RK1 - Hajk - Solitus - Lvl 217/DR 16 - Nanotech - Apocalypse
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