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Thread: Hey who likes to shout

  1. #1

    Talking Hey who likes to shout

    Hey there who likes to shout things while they fight? I do its really fun like when you are in a mission killing a hard monster just give it a good shout

  2. #2
    Used to shout while hunting before...
    forgot about that part
    | Evilbaffle - 220 Tra | Dominixe - 210 Doc | Maram - 207 Eng | Juling - 160 Enf |
    | Yumn - 169 NT | Niemo - 118 MP | Lucine - 185 Agent | Incision - 70 Shade |

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.- Herm Albright

  3. #3
    I shout "Run" sometimes.

    Thats when someone is about to die though
    Shattered Dreams

  4. #4
    Yeah, my battle cry for the boss room seems to be "Bail!"...


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