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Thread: Arrested by Guards - a killer punishment

  1. #1

    Arrested by Guards - a killer punishment

    Dont know if someone suggested this already, but I had the idea when I saw people at MMD killing guards for no reason.

    At first to get more depth in PvP make all areas at least 25%. This would prevent the borderjumping/hiding and would give the faction war more sense and depth. I guess higher level would appreciate it. Towns and newbie hunting areas should be heavily guarded and protected by guards (lvl 180-250). If that doesnt prevent higher level player from killing lower level and if the guards aint fast enough to protect the people there against higher intruders, make the guards able to cast 'Arrested by Guard' on a killer.

    This Nano has the ability to root (not as normal root) the killer for the amount of minutes which are the difference in lvl of the killer and victim. I.e when the killer is lvl 180 and the victim 75, the killer is arrested for 105 minutes playtime and if it is a gank, like 3 on 1, everyone who shot on the victim and and in range of the guard is arrested for the highest difference. But you might get a chance to escape, if you make it in the casting duration out of the range of the guard.

    When arrested, guards quit fighting, the gun and armor is dropped to the inventory and cant be equipped for the arrest time. Animation looks like you stand there with handcuffs on. You can get killed by other people and that would probably happen.... but guards would try to protect you and if someone kills you he get the same arrest.

    Dont know if an ability of 'Breaking Arrest' should be implemented. That could depend on very high B&E skill and CL for a hacker tool. Just use it on yourself and when your B&E/CL is high enough you can get out of the Arrest. If you are successful, the guards try to Arrest you again - if in range.

    This 'Arrested by Guard' can also be executed when you kill a guard and an other is nearby.
    No need to PHEAR ME! anymore - Im gone

  2. #2
    good idea , got my bump .-)

  3. #3
    Maybe make the duration a bit less... nearly 2 hours is a LONG time to be standing there. Half that might be more reasonable.

    But definitely a good idea. Yes, you're vulnerable everywhere... but there's just as many people on your side to protect you as there are people coming in to kill you. I think it'd make less difference than people suspect, and mostly in a positive direction.

    Imagine; an area-nuking NT, level 180, hits a group of 6 level 75s and kills them... whoops, 315 minutes of downtime for your lame ganking ass!
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  4. #4

    I'm sure the high levels will appreciate that kind of high level content. They think the game is boring and there is nothing to do, so I'm sure content that would keep them preoccupied for over an hour would really excite them =]

    Everyone want's to pay to not play a game...

  5. #5
    This 'Arrested by Guards' is only to protect safe areas against Random-Player-Killers - its a punishment should HURT the PLAYER. If you open every area for PvP you should protect lower level against higher, uber killers. And only towns, outposts or lowbie hunting grounds should be guarded.
    You CAN kill there, but you should be aware or the consequences. You get a small chance to escape, but that should not be exploitable.

    Oh yes, you could protect this area with suppression gas, but that would only lead in bordercamping which is one of the worst 'feature' for PvP in this game...

    And the arrest depends on the faction of the guards (own guards wont arrest you for killing lower members of other factions). Hostile guards wont arrest you for killing higher opponents, but they try to kill you

    And hey - the guards gank as well. If you attack a town like Tir with a team or two, every available guard will come and try to kill the intruders. Imagine 20-50 guards come along and gank... in addition to the player around.

    If you increase the spawntime of the guards to like 30 minutes and set a flag in the middle of a town you would have a nice game where you can conquer towns....

    A few more rules for fighting guards and it should be possible.
    No need to PHEAR ME! anymore - Im gone

  6. #6
    It will never happen, my guess is the only PVP areas other than the current existing ones will be around towers and when GMs reduce supression gas.

    First, any punishment for partaking in the conflict isn't going to encourage people to go there.

    Second, what if a level 75 greifer keeps attacking level 200s near guards to get this nano to cast?

    Third, at the moment there is no balance between Clan and Omni, and having a world of 25% gas would make it even worse, in no time at all clan applications would be hitting everyone's click saver list and the stores would be selling them out like mad.

    Forth, no one want's to pay to sit frozen, no one wants to be disabled for hours, people will just hit terminate and I'm sure you'd have some idea like force them into a prison for an hour after they terminate. The only effect something like this will have on PVP is forcing more high level players to quit. Level 200 so and so "Damn that 75 crat attaked me again and i auto attacked and killed him instantly, lol I am frozen now for 2 hours, oh well think I'll go find a game that lets me PLAY."

    I'm not to happy with the current gas zones, being a crat all the good spots for me to PVP in are gone, nothing but grey mobs in 2ho and no one ever goes to 4 holes and if they do they are in a plane. Too many zones in both areas anyway.
    Last edited by Real Kinky Ityn; Sep 30th, 2002 at 18:41:33.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Ityn
    It will never happen, my guess is the only PVP areas other than the current existing ones will be around towers and when GMs reduce supression gas.

    First, any punishment for partaking in the conflict isn't going to encourage people to go there.

    Second, what if a level 75 greifer keeps attacking level 200s near guards to get this nano to cast?

    Third, at the moment there is no balance between Clan and Omni, and having a world of 25% gas would make it even worse, in no time at all clan applications would be hitting everyone's click saver list and the stores would be selling them out like mad.

    Forth, no one want's to pay to sit frozen, no one wants to be disabled for hours, people will just hit terminate and I'm sure you'd have some idea like force them into a prison for an hour after they terminate. The only effect something like this will have on PVP is forcing more high level players to quit. Level 200 so and so "Damn that 75 crat attaked me again and i auto attacked and killed him instantly, lol I am frozen now for 2 hours, oh well think I'll go find a game that lets me PLAY."

    I'm not to happy with the current gas zones, being a crat all the good spots for me to PVP in are gone, nothing but grey mobs in 2ho and no one ever goes to 4 holes and if they do they are in a plane. Too many zones in both areas anyway.
    As for the 75 attacks the 200:
    If the 200 is in range of the guards he has to run for his life instead of killing the 75... it should not be easy to kill a guard, even for a lvl 200, and almost impossible to fight 2 at the time.

    Guarded ares are practically forbidden for hostile intruders - the own people there should be SAFE, but not unkillable. The reason behind this is to prevent bordercamping, but prevend evil random killing as well.
    And yes, if a level 75 attacks you there, he has the support of the guards - it is his right., it is his own area. And its the risk of any lvl 200 to go too close to such an area...
    A lvl 200 can chase everyone else of the other factions outside safe areas and it would not be a land of carebears as it is at the moment...........
    No need to PHEAR ME! anymore - Im gone

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