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Thread: reduce boss health, up damage

  1. #1

    reduce boss health, up damage

    Bosses (ql 180-195 missions)have too much health sometimes and take waay too long to kill. not all the time, but sometimes its just plain boring. I'd like to see a cap on boss hp that isnt ridiculous. after 15 min and no one is dying, whats the point of dragging it an extra 20-30 minutes of mindless fighting? I'd like to see boss damage upped to make up for this adjustment. I've already seen this idea suggested in the forums and agree that bosses should be tougher on offense to make things more intersting and fun, rather than slow and boring.

  2. #2

    Re: reduce boss health, up damage

    Originally posted by superrock
    Bosses (ql 180-195 missions)have too much health sometimes and take waay too long to kill. not all the time, but sometimes its just plain boring. I'd like to see a cap on boss hp that isnt ridiculous. after 15 min and no one is dying, whats the point of dragging it an extra 20-30 minutes of mindless fighting? I'd like to see boss damage upped to make up for this adjustment. I've already seen this idea suggested in the forums and agree that bosses should be tougher on offense to make things more intersting and fun, rather than slow and boring.
    Agreed. Make bosses deadly, but reduce the *ridiculous* amount of HPs that they have.

    Also, make killing them at least theoretically possible for nano professions (NT, crat, etc). Currently they are immune to a huge number of nanos (calms, roots, etc etc). Unless the design intention was to make bosses off-limits of some professions, change this please. I'm ok with nanos being resisted, that way there's at least a chance. But total immunity sucks, well, totally.

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