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Thread: Arrrr Res Shock!!!

  1. #1

    Arrrr Res Shock!!!

    Im sick and tired of my pvp experience been ruined by ressurection shock, if theres a war on at 2h0 then i am basically useless been the low level that i am (106), but i still like to run in and do some dmg, sometimes im lucky to find someone my level, but after two attacks where i just die instantly i just get sick and tired of waiting for the lame res shock. Its the same all the time. I say just increase item reclaim time thingy to around 2 mins for pvp then thats sorted, thats about 5 mins then before peoplel can fight again (buffs and arranging inv). Then they also have to get back to the fight so thats an extra couple of mins depending on where it is, instead of the current 20 mins :/.

    After talking to people who also pvp it seems that noone likes the res shock at all but they do agree some kind of penalty is needed (extending reclaim time). When its like this though its almost impossible to find a fight, even with people my own level who dont want to fight just in case they get res shock. This would also stop all the standing around MMD and TIR arena because people wouldnt be scared to die so much (cept maybe people with good titles).

    Please please please do something about res shock

  2. #2
    " seems no one likes res shock..."

    Well DUH!!!!

    It's a penalty for dying. You're not suppose to like it. If you liked it then it wouldn't be a penalty now would it?

    Have you ever played EverQuest? There the penalty for dying is losing exp (and you can't save it) as well as losing levels if you lose too much exp. As if that wasn't bad enough, all your items, weapons and armor remain on your corpse so you have to go and find your corpse and loot it to get your stuff back.

    Count your blessings that you just have to wait a few minutes for res shock to wear off.

  3. #3
    yeh i know, but its just plain pointless in pvp and it makes it completly and utterly dull, normally i would argue a point with you but i am so entirely focused on getting rid of the huge res shock for pvp im just going to say "because"

  4. #4
    Right, so we should reduce pvp to "Who can zerg more people in".


    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  5. #5
    I didint say get rid of penalty, simply shorten it, instead of lame 20 mins almost to get back into action, by then the action has moved away.

  6. #6
    Uh. . you seem to live in a universe with a different time system than me, how is it that you are connecting to our Internet?
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  7. #7
    Well I've never known Res Shock to last that long, maybe you should make an in-game call for help, because if it's lasting 20 minutes then you're character is bugged.

  8. #8
    20 mins ? Now that's lag hehe

  9. #9
    Res shock itself isnt 20 mins, but in order to get fully ready for battle again it takes around that long, especially if the battle is far away, i need to heal up (cant use heals till res shock is gone) buff (cant use a lot till res is gone) and then get back to the battle, thats an awful long time just to get back into the battle for 1 min of pvp. Obviously i think res shock should still apply to pvm but in pvp it completly ruins the expereince.

  10. #10
    Res penalty is three minutes, isn't it?

    Can someone confirm that? I'm pretty sure that it always lasts for three minutes.

  11. #11
    Arrr your Rez shock is commin from da fact ya drank so much rum before battle... ARrrrrrr...
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  12. #12
    Rum! Arr, now there's a drink for a saedog. You can always tell how long your matey's been at sea by how he holds his rum.

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