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Thread: Casting friendly nanos on enemies

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Casting friendly nanos on enemies

    One feature that needs to be fixed is the ability to cast friendly nanos on enemies.

    A good example would be the Adv nano SparrowFlight.... (there are others..)

    This is most certanly not the intended use for this nano...

    The same goes for all nanos that have any kind of drawback... Like the suggested changed to the crit nanos.... The primary use for those in PvP would be, not to boost crit, but to debuff the enemies inits....

    So whats need to be done is to stop all casting of nonhostile nanos (aka those that don't start combat) on enemies in 25% or lower zones.

    Sure there will be some drawback with that... aka you can't buff an omni as a Clan... but hey... you shouldn't do that anyway!

  2. #2
    Well, not sure where the line between unfair advantage and strategy lies, but if you run an evade buff in your NCU you won't get birdied.

    I run one all the time, because you know every time one of those silly advents get a new morph other they test it out on everyone in the area

    That would solve your birdy problem... maybe you can hope they get distracted and Sabretooth you instead next time


  3. #3
    To apply this in 0% zones would mean you can't buff anyone. Also, "neutral" teams (meaning any team with mixed sides of any kind, be it Clan/Nuet, Clan/Omni, Omni/Neut) would probably be unable to buff anyone, even if the person in question was a "friendly" target. (i.e. Clan/Neut team can't buff Clanner.)

    Considering that most of the effects are negligible (Sparrow can be canceled easily, and has a long recharge on the chain casting is difficult), can be canceled easily...I hardly think it would be worth the problems/inconvinience it would cause in the long-run.

    Besides, Sparrow is an Evade and Run Speed least if it catches you off guard, you can get away quickly.


  4. #4
    I think he's talking more along the lines of the crit buffs. The team crit buffs are higher (take up more NCU) than the individual buffs. They can be cast over the individual ones, in other words. Yes, they can be cancelled, too.

    I'm sure there are other nanos that fall into this category - where the team version is higher than the individual one.

  5. #5
    Put two new general buffs in trade shops:

    1. "Anti Polymorph" Buff

    Costs: 1 NCU Duration 30min. Prevents from being polymorphed from outside buffs.

    2. "Buff Blocker" Buff

    Costs: 1 NCU Duration 30min. Prevents from being buffed by "friendly" buffs by other players.

    Would a "block" mechanism hard to implement? I don't think just put a flag on all external friendly buffs and when a user has his block buff running then check the flag and block the buff. Easy and fast. And debuffs etc. would still be buffable to other peoples. But you cannot buff someone with a as a exampe speed buff when he don't want it.
    You do it cause you have to do it - but you don't do it cause you want to do it.

  6. #6
    Soldier HP buffs can be used to overwrite Essences too since they consume more NCU. This effectively drops the buffed HP of the target by around 60% or more. Griefing or a means to reduce the opposition's max HP, beats me, and I doubt FC has anything to say about it.

  7. #7
    well I wrote a thread some weeks ago and described the same problem but no comment from any devleopers if this problem will be fixed. If you ask me then I think FC don't care about this problem. The same problem with soldiers have with a eng which casts creater harmonic cocoon!

    Look at my old thread -> Nano Bug pls fix.
    You do it cause you have to do it - but you don't do it cause you want to do it.

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