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Thread: Break it down

  1. #1

    Break it down

    Wow the buildings in Planescape are awesome looking. I wish AO would do something like that.

    Iwish you could go inside that buildig behind Hope by the pyramid.

    Theres a door there and if you fly high enough to get over the pyramid barrier you can even open it, too bad you cant go inside.

    AO needs more intrigue and stuff to make you go OOO AHHH

    The only amazing things about AO are:

    1. door of SD disappearing behind you ( cool the first time definitely )

    2. Steps of Madness ( too small though )

    3. Mantis caves ( confusing help! )

    4. Enigma Forest.. the trees nice but nothing to do really

    5. HUge notum crystal outside PM ( doesnt do anything )

    6. Huge claw hands in the desert ( doesnt do anything )

    7. Drill Island DAV very cool boss with raging leets ( takes like 3 teams minimum though )

    8. Generals Right Hand (takes 100 players to take this guy down, minimum )

    9. prolly a few i missed but honestly at most onlya few.

    AO needs to enhance their interactivity with players, make it more multilevel. right now all AO is, is missions and mobs, missions and mobs.. nothing amazing....

    YOu can be sure if AO doesnt come up with something and alot of somethings that really takes their customers breath away, the ones like me who have been here since the very beginning, soon, they'll lose alot of customers. It's pretty clear alot of customers are already leaving, come on funcom, you need to get crazy and make it interesting.


    1. put actual steps in Steps of Madness, like a crazy staircase leading thru endless darkness spiralling for a LONG TIME! it can be purple and psychedelic and real trippy with that cool SoM music,

    2. make it possible to enter the door behind Hope pyramid. at their own risk of course. hehe

    3. make the pixies aggro

    4. make a boss camp for more species, like bulls, and make boss camps out in Galway County and 4Holes which are now totally dead playerless zones

    5. take the emphasis off missions and onto sidequests

    6. allow adventurers to tame/calm frightened roller rats, not so they are immobile,but so they follow you around like leet friend. and their name changes from frightened roller rat to petname roller rat.
    Last edited by Orchid; Oct 17th, 2002 at 16:55:16.

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